Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mosaic Monday

I hope you all had a good weekend and are eager to start into a whole new week! Here it has been cooler lately then I would like but the garden is still advancing, soon it will be bursting with color.

So since my garden is still in the not so pretty phase I am sharing a wee bit more southern beauty. The mosaic above is made from photos I took at Middleton Place and Magnolia Plantation and Gardens,two beautiful places to visit just outside the city of Charleston South Carolina.

The mosaic above was taken in the Charleston garden that Made me think of the Secret Garden movie. You can click on to enlarge if you are interested. It is a beautiful garden but my photos don't really do it justice.

After the house and garden tour there was a lovely lunch served on this beautiful veranda. The members of the garden club made the lovely bouquets and lunch. It was an afternoon of delights for me!

We are having carpenters for a couple of days and I have a few things going on so I will be gone from my blog for a few days again but hopefully by the end of the week I can show you some of the changes.

Thank you Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday again at Little Red House.

Hope you have a great week,



  1. Oh, gosh, Carolyn. Those were breathtaking gardens. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Sincerely, Susan

  2. Beautiful gardens!! Thanks for sharing. It does remind me of the Secret Garden!

  3. Just gorgeous and beautiful mosaics! I hope that you have a wonderful new week!

  4. That is lovely. I am particularly taken by the lovely bouquet at the bottom.

  5. Oh Carolyn those a simply beautiful mosaics, thank you for sharing with us. Will look forward to seeing whats' up at your place. Have a wonderful week and take care.

  6. Hello Carolyn
    You are showing some of the nicest gardens I've ever seen.
    In your top mosaic I love the reflection of the arched white bridge in the water.

  7. I was getting all exciting thinking that your garden had come to life. Still a bit early I guess but we are all looking forward to seeing your beautiful paradise when it springs into life.

  8. It does indeed look like the Secret Garden... Gorgeous!

  9. Great mosaics. I love Charleston. One of my favorite places to visit. Just beautiful there.

  10. Makes you want to pack your bag and go visit right now. Valerie

  11. Carolyn..Love the garden mosaics...something to get lost in until our own gardens come into full bloom! Can't wait to see what is going on at your house!~Patti

  12. All of your mosaics are lovely. You must have had a terrific trip.

    Can't wait to see the finished product from the carpenters.

    Be sure to visit as I'm having a GIVE AWAY.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. Absolutely beautiful mosaics, Carolyn! They are the epitome of what my mind's eye thought the Secret Garden should look like. I would have loved to attend that tour!!!

  14. I definitely had to enlarge the first mosaic. Wow, that was gorgeous!

  15. I'm so in love with these Southern gardens. I missed going this year so your photos are a real treat. My garden is mostly shady with tall trees so I would love to replicate this atmosphere. Your photos DO do them justice, I'm sure. Have a lovely week and good luck on your projects! :) – g

  16. Carolyn,

    Thank you for sharing all of these gorgeous gardens that you found. Lovely mosaics.

  17. I could never see enough of Charleston. Thanks for more lovely photos.

  18. Hi Carolyn,

    What a beautiful space that garden is, so lovingly maintained, a charming oasis for all manner of creatures!


  19. It looks like the secret garden...........enjoy !!! i really can't wait what you are going to do this week.................come back soon and show us !!

    Hugs from Ria

  20. Hi dear Carolyn,
    I always love your mosaics! Your photos are so beautiful! The gardens in Charleston are truly gorgeous and look as if they came out of another era…
    the 'old South!' The pink azaleas and statues are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing the garden that reminded you of the secret garden. It reminds me of it too! Very beautiful and peaceful looking! Is that lovely you in the photo in the bottom corner?

    The luncheon looks so lovely. The food yummy and the flowers beautiful! I am so glad you shared more of your trip.

    Have lovely week. I hope all the building goes well. Love, Paula

  21. Hi Carolyn,
    How lush and green everything is in those photos! It must have been so lovely to stroll through such lovely gardens. Can't wait to see your renos! Will miss you at tea. Have a lovely week, dear friend.


  22. Hi Carolyn, the gardens are so beautiful...Kathy

  23. Pretty! I'd love to visit those gardens.

  24. Ooo, how pretty! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely images at MM. :)

  25. Hi Carolyn,

    Lovely pictures. I like the one with the mirrored little white bridge over the pond.

    Have a nice day,

  26. Caroyln, looks like 'high tea' to me.. love doing those!! Only a few places left here near me that do that.

    With the very warm spring, many items have burst forth for a full spring of flowers and greens. Yet we soo need rain here!

    Send some from up north please.

    with love,

  27. Beautiful, beautiful gardens. I've visited Middleton Plantation 2 times and loved it.

  28. Beautiful as usual!
    Can't wait to see your project...

  29. I've been trying to leave a comments at your blog and others but blogger wasn't letting me. Yet, today I finally got through!

    I've really enjoyed your photos of Charleston. My husband and I visited there about 10 years and you've brought back some great memories. We also visited Magnolia Plantation and saw many of the scenes you've shared on your blog.

    Thanks for bringing back memories of a wonderful trip and please share more.

  30. I loved the photos! Gardening is a passion for me as well!

  31. cara carolyn, il tuo mondo è fantastico. Mi piace la tua casa e il tuo giardino. Hai molta classe. Congratuazioni: mi piacerebbe avere più notizie sul paint di Laurent che tu adoperi per i tuo mobili. come si chiama il colore? Grazie mcarla liguria Italy

  32. How lucky you are, Carolyn ! I would have been delighted to make this tour !
    Did you visit the famous Ms Whaley's garden in Charleston ?


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
