Thursday, April 15, 2010

Early Spring Garden Bouquet

Today is Show and Tell Friday so I wanted to share some early spring beauty from our garden.

The daffodils are so cheery aren't they?

I am hoping my hellebore's will spread as they are such early bloomers in the garden.

It is early here on Prince Edward Island to have much color in the garden so I am delighted to be able to go out and pick a pretty bouquet to share with you! From now until November I will be able to have fresh flowers for the house-it is such a pleasure to watch the garden come into bloom again as you gardeners all know.

Thank you Cindy for hosting at My Romantic Home

Thank you for visiting.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,



  1. beautiful flowers.. I can imagine your garden must be blooming with flowers this spring and summer! awesome fragrant!

  2. Lovely...I can almost smell the hyacinth!

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous, and so is that pitcher!

  4. Hi Carolyn.. Beautiful Bouquet!! I love the smell of hyacinths.. they smell like spring has arrived!
    Hellabore is so expensive in the garden centers here.. but I have some and it makes volunteer plants all around like crazy!

  5. Your hellebores are so beautiful. I've tried growing those a couple of times with little success. It might not get cold enough here for them.

    I needed to look at something lovely tonight (just because) and I knew I could find it here. You always have the most beautiful pictures of flowers and dishes and your home. Thank you.

  6. Beautiful,lovely and fantastic shots !!Amazing stuff !!

  7. Have a wonderful weekend too........nice photos....enjoy ! hugs from me Ria

  8. absolutely beautiful....such a wonderful treat of nature for us readers.

    My New Doll -my Show n Tell. I would really enjoy your company if you can drop by to visit me. Hope you're having a terrific Friday!!!

  9. I love Hellebore! Your photos are gorgeous! Thanks for the refreshment.

    Love, Katy

  10. The blue and yellow, how beautiful! One of my favorite color combination.
    I'm new to your lovely blog and I shall enjoy learning more about you... Rose

  11. You always post fantastic flowers!
    Happy weekend!

  12. Beautiful..i just got back from the Epcot flower festival in was amazing

  13. What a striking bouquet in your blue tea pot; very nice! Wishing you a beautiful weekend.


  14. So many lovely posts you've had lately. Must say I would love to go to Charleston after the pictures you showed us. So beautiful houses.

    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Love Elzie

  15. Carolyn your flowers are beautiful, but the colors are perfection. Oh and you put it in the most complimentary and sweet "vase". So pretty and your post certainly uplifted my spirits!

  16. Hello Carolyn,

    So many delightful blooms to bring indoors and enjoy - and such sweet gift for you take the time to share them with all of us!

    Wishing you a beauty-filled day,

  17. Lovely daffodils, Carolyn, and they look so nice in the blue vase. Sincerely, Susan

  18. Goodness yes! The daffodils are cheery, but so is the entire bouquet. Your photos are just exquisite. Enjoy your spring garden!! ♥

  19. I think I recall you are an award free blog - but I awarded you today!

  20. Hi Carolyn,

    Beautiful spring colours! I hope the work in the house is going well? Wish you a happy weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  21. Isn't this early spring a delight! I will have to look up hellebore and add them to my bed.

    Hope you're getting rested from your trip Carolyn.

    Happy weekend!

  22. A lovely bouguet in a beautiful pot. Valerie

  23. Hallo, Sweden here....

    I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!

    Regards from Agneta

  24. Carolyn I just knew that I was missing out on a ton of beauty over here at your place. Your daffs are beautiful. I can't believe that you are already enjoying blooms. My forsythia hasn't even bloomed yet and the daffs are only up about 2 inches. Woe is me! I need some blooms.
    I will come over and enjoy yours with you while I wait.

  25. Your pictures are beautiful. Oh how I would love to visit Charleston. I will have to come back when I have more time to see more of your lovely pictures.

  26. Es una belleza tu Blog. Me gusta visitarte ya que me atrae lo elegante de tu presentaciĆ³n. Si, es un blog muy " Elegante". Muy fino y femenino.

  27. The flowers look wonderful in the blue teapot. Nothing can beat fresh flower from the garden. Have a wonderful weekend:)

  28. Oh how lucky you are to live on PEI. I went there last year and fell in love! Everything is so pretty there.

    I went on a cruise and we stopped there and it was my favorite place.

    Your flowers are so lovely!


  29. Lucky one you are.....
    Such great garden such nice colours and fine flowers.......
    You are so rich....

    I love the helleborus also, I now bought a black one so I am curious how it will be....
    Nice weekend

  30. I visualized myself sitting in ur garden. Tht's just wonderful...:-)

  31. Dear Carolyn,

    Your early spring garden bouquet is gorgeous! You arranged all of your blooms so beautifully!!! I am so happy you are having flowers in your garden to enjoy. What a blessing to be able to have so many fresh flowers from your own garden till November! I hope to have a garden as abundant and beautiful as yours one day! Have a lovely weekend! Love, Paula

  32. Lovely flowers. Your garden is just so beautiful.

  33. Fresh flowers from your garden for your home is the nicest gift of nature. Love seeing your beautiful blooms. Happy Weekend, my friend!

  34. What else can cheer up a room as fresh flowers do? Your bouquet is lovely!

  35. Those flowers are so beautiful. It's just amazing how much later your blooms come up there in the North. Our daffodils bloom in February here in California. Now our roses are blooming!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
