Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Garden Statues and a Tour

I loved all the statues that seemed to be in every garden in Charleston and area so I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of my favorite ones too. We went to visit a few plantations nearby and some of these statues were in their magnificent gardens.
I am also taking you on a tour of the Joesph Aiken Mansion( a long lost relative maybe) where we stayed for the week,when we were in Charleston. We were the only ones staying in the house for most of the week so we had the place to ourselves. There is a carriage house behind the house that has four lovely apartments that were filled.
This is the fireplace that was in our bedroom.
a livingroom downstairs.
our bedroom
isn't it elegant?
We weren't a bit cramped!

This was the view of the garden from the side veranda where we enjoyed relaxing.
It was definitely the most elegant place we have ever stayed in and it is walking distance to all the shops and restaurants. I had a peek in the carriage house too and they are lovely one bedroom apartments. So, if any of you are going to Charleston for a visit you might want to check it out.
I hope you enjoyed the tour and are not getting tired of my trip photos-I promise by next week I will have moved on.

Take care,


  1. Hi there! Well, I thoroughly enjoyed this gracious tour and want to see more pictures! Such a lovely and elegant place to stay - You must have felt like a queen - I know it was all a lovely experience for you...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  2. Carolyn... I am so not tired of your trip! What an incredible place to stay... hanging out in the house or the garden would have been a hard choice both are so stunning!

  3. I've enjoyed all your photos of Charleston. Thank you for sharing, and for the tour!

  4. Very elegant! Thank you for sharing with us!

  5. The mansion is breathtaking and it gives me a feel for what it was like to live in those days. How blessed you are to have stayed there.

  6. Hi sweet lady...

    Ohhh...what a fabulous time you must have had visiting Charleston! The Charles Aiken mansion is gorgeous...your room was beautiful! Yes, very exquisite! What fun it must have been to have the "run of the place" most of the week...I would have loved that! I really enjoyed your photos, Carolyn! The garden statues are favorite was the little guy sitting on the urn with all the grapes...sooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing a bit of your trip with us...I'm dreamin' of Charleston now!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  7. What a beautiful place to be!!
    I wil come to Charleston en walk with you tro this lovely streets and stay in this fantastic romantic hotel
    Have a very nice day

  8. Quel charmant voyage Carolyn!!! Thanks to share it with us (me) . Charleston seems to me an ideal place, delightfully out of time : I choose one of your photos for my pc wallpaper, the garden from the side veranda and tomorrow the statues or maybe the house with the blue/green shutter and pink façade.... Je suis ravie.

  9. No, I am not getting tired of the photos from your trip. What a beautiful house and sitting on the porch and looking at the garden would be very relaxing. Thanks for the tour. Take care.

  10. It would be impossible to get tired of pictures of Charleston! The interior of the house is amazing. When we went there we didn't stay in town but at the Middleton Inn near Middleton Plantation.

  11. Oh, I LOVE vacation. This is really lovely. Thanks for sharing these photos.

    A few years ago, my husband surprised me with a trip to stay in a mansion at Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. It was spring and the off season and we were the only ones in this large house with the beautiful emerging gardens. It was so fun to know that we were completely alone but we spent most of the time in our lovely room that was spacious and cozy with a lovely fire warming away the damp spring and seaside chill. Happy, happy memory!

    I really like the photos of the statuary - very elegant and gracious.

    Love, Katy

  12. Dear Carolyn,

    I am not getting one bit tired of your trip photos, and I am sure the other ladies are not either! They are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them!

    I love the statues, they are gorgeous and really make a garden look heavenly! The mansion you stayed in is beautiful! I wonder if he is a relative! That would be so neat. :) The rooms are decorated beautifully and the gardens are equally as lovely! I am so glad you had such a nice trip and stayed in a beautiful place with beautiful gardens! Have a lovely day! Love, Paula… share more please! :)

    P.S. I am so happy you are beginning to see blooms in your garden!

  13. I would never tire of your trip photos! Please continue to share them with us.

  14. The statues are beautiful; love them! Very elegant rooms, Carolyn, and the courtyard was lovely. You know what though? I think your own bedroom is just as lovely with all your toile! Glad you enjoyed your trip. Have a wonderful weekend.


  15. Hi Carolyn,
    How lovely and the chandelier's are beautiful!!!. What a great time you had. I am enjoying seeing the photo's.
    Take care and have great day,

  16. What a beautiful, elegant place to spend a week. Good for you. Thank you for your sweet comment about my daughters home. I appreciate it. Hugs, Cindy S

  17. Hello Carolyn,

    Oh wow, the house is wonderful! Love your photos and I for sure will not get tired of them. Everything is so beautiful - fences, statues, flowers, gardens, gates...

    Have a nice day,

  18. Glad you enjoyed your time. We go to Charleston quite often since we only live 2 hours away. It is one of my favorite places! Very romantic.

  19. Carolyn....I love looking at your Charleston photos and I love garden statues! You seen some beauties!~Patti

  20. We used to live in Charleston before moving to Chicago. I miss those lovely homes and gardens. We especially enjoyed the little hidden gems, foremost among them, Mrs. Whaley's gardens. While Mayor Daley does espouse lots of flower pots around town, it doesn't compare to Charleston in every season.

    Thanks for the memories.



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
