Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Garden Delights!

Hello everyone,
Thank you to all of you who left kind words yesterday and to all of you who came to visit. As always it is nice to go away for a holiday but nice to be back home again.After some visiting with children and grandchildren we got back to doing some painting but I am hopeful the carpenter will be back today and finish by the weekend. It will be nice to finish up because the garden is calling me!
The photos above are some early spring beauty from our own garden. It is so exciting to be able to pick a bouquet from the garden once again. The striped scilla and pink hellebore's are blooming as well as hyacinths and the daffodils are all coming into bloom.
There were so many beautiful flowering shrubs and trees as well as some perennials blooming in the south. I love the statue of the woman in the center photo but there were so many lovely statues- another collage!
I am having fun making some collages with the photos I took in Charleston.
I thought this would be a good way to share some of the beautiful garden gates in Charleston. If you like you can click on the photos to enlarge them for a better view. I am envious of all the old brick walls and beautiful hand crafted iron gates and fences. I had to stop and peek through the garden gates of nearly every home. Yep! I am a lot of fun to walk with but soaking in the beauty was more fun then exercise.
Thank you again for visiting me and I hope you have a wonderful day!


p.s. I should also mention that the quality of the pics are not as good because I had to squeeze as many as I could on my memory card. You know me more is more!
Also you can enlarge by holding the ctrl botton and scrolling the mouse button away from you which is faster.


  1. Oh, wow, Carolyn. That was a great post....all those gorgeous photos. Oh, how I loved the white sculpture of that young woman. Soooooo beautiful. Have a great day! Sincerely, Susan

  2. It's so fun to go to someplace different and beautiful. Not only is it refreshing but, also, expanding. Isn't it so good to be home, though? (Even with the messy upheaval.=] )

  3. I would i could sit in a garden like that!!
    What a beautiful house!
    I can only dream!!!
    I wish i was that women in the garden and the made such a beautiful sculpture of me!!
    OOOh wat a dream!!!
    I wish you a wunderful day in your garden.

  4. Carolyn...There is just something about the old south and the iron fencing and the beautiful flowers. Looks like you captured some good ones!~Patti

  5. Hi carolyn, welcome back!!Your photos are beautiful.I'm glad you had a wonderful trip....Kathy

  6. Carolyn, The pictures from your trip are beautiful. A stone fence or iron fence with a closed gate will always encourage you to peck into the garden. Hope the reno work is almost finished. Take care:)

  7. Your trip must have been great...the pictures of the garden gates are wonderful...what fun to peek in to the gardens.

  8. Beautiful post. Great Photos!
    The South is beautiful and this time of year it's just even more so. Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  9. Dearest Carolyn,
    Tis wonderful for you to have a Holiday/Vacation.

    Enjoyed your lovely pictures that you have posted.

    Blessed Spring to you,
    d from HomeHaven in the middle of the Kansas Prairie

  10. Ah, Carolyn. Visiting you always makes me sigh at all of the beauty you share. It renews my spirit.

  11. Love your collages.....
    It gives me a real spring feeling.
    Nice that you are back. Did you enjoyed it.....?
    Nice evening

  12. I love the mosaic of the gates! You sound like my kind of walking partner... I have to get a peek in the garden:-)

  13. Yes and we love more of your photos of your beautiful garden...can't get enough of it Carolyn. Your garden is such an inspiration to me.

  14. Dear Carolyn,

    Good to read that spring has finally come to PEI. I think the same flowers are in bloom in Holland at the moment. I had to laugh when I read your sentence about 'the garden calling'. I know exactly what you mean. Have been out all day planting an getting weeds out of the garden!

    The pictures from Charleston are pretty! Thank you for letting us have a look.

    Fijne dag!

    Lieve groet,


  15. Gorgeous! My friend once stayed in that white house with the rounded porch. I think there is a two year wait. Did you notice how the outdoor paint is high gloss on many of the houses? Maybe something to do with the humidity. But I liked the look.

  16. Dear Carolyn,
    I love all of the gorgeous flowers blooming in Charleston, of course the flowers blooming in your own garden are gorgeous! I know you were so happy to see them. The statue is beautiful and the gates are so lovely. I enjoyed all the beautiful photos!
    Love, Paula

  17. Lookie lookie... love this trip and I think you'll be adding some wrought iron gates to your garden soon.

    Great southern flowers this time of year.. only time to go!

    with love,

  18. Glad you're back Carolyn... looking forward to seeing more of your Paradise soon!



  19. Your collages are lovely!

    I love spring in the south, especially the azaleas!

  20. Hello Carolyn!

    Your blog is very beautiful and quite elegant!
    Would love to visit Prince Edward Island one day it looks so beautiful.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Pamela from French Buttons

  21. The photos from your trip are just gorgeous Carolyn.
    People shouldn't erect see-through gates if they don't want people looking in. :-)
    I do the same thing in our neighbourhood - try to see in the backyards and even go right in the front to photograph something.
    That's what gardeners and people who appreciate the beautiful of nature do!
    Welcome back to your garden and hopefully your renovation, like ours, will be done soon.

  22. Oh, Carolyn, I am savoring every image – how fabulous! I so, so, so wanted to go on the Charleston garden tours this year but some things came up at the last minute. But you've given me a taste of how wonderful it must have been and I thank you for sharing them. And thank you for visiting! Georgianna

  23. You have such a gift for
    arranging the sweetest items to make them look like they have set side by side for years. I was wondering what you do with your treasures when you are not using them. I dream of my own private warehouse where I can keep my pretties on a shelf until I am ready to use them again. This has not happened yet. I hope you have a life filled with kindness, joy and sharing.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
