Wednesday, February 10, 2010

White Wednesday

I am really enjoying White Wednesdays and so I have a few photos to share with you.

old lace and old buttons

white ceramic baby boots

That is my husband's baby photo above

I found this hand embroidered tablecloth for $2.

It is edged with handmade lace and stitched on by hand.I can't imagine how long it would take me to make this tablecloth!

the same bouquet of white tulips.

can you see all the handiwork in it?

A close up of the pretty winter white dress I also bought for $2

I love smocked dresses.

I couldn't resist showing our granddaughter Jessie once again-it is White Wednesday after all! Join in the fun at Faded Charm for more whites.

Thank you for visiting,



The Charm of Home said...

I will check out White Wednesday. Your photos are just lovely. The pink-to-cream rose in your header is my absolute favorite rose. Those photos are just beautiful. We need new adjectives for your site. I have already worn them all out and your photos are to pretty for words!

June said...

Oh Carolyn, that tablecloth was such a find. Did you almost faint? I would have knocked people over to get to it. I can't imagine you doing anything like that though, so I'm sure no one else must have seen what a treasure it was.
I love your photography skills so much. Every picture is a piece of art.

ladygreenriver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ladygreenriver said...

hi! carolyn
very very beautiful websites and very very beautiful tablecloth
by by

Sandy said...

Such beautiful white at such a bargain price! Your photos are just breathtaking.

Teacup Lane (Sandy)

Madelief said...

Hi Carolyn,

Beautiful white pictures. In Holland everyting is 'white' again. A thin layer of snow has fallen overnight. I think that I will do the same as you and visit a thrift shop in Delft today. The tablecloth you found is lovely. I like the embroidery and the lace border. A very good find! I hope I will find something just as pretty today. Wish you a happy day!

Lieve groet,


Anonymous said...

Morning Carolyn,
Another great post and that tablecloth wow!!. Also your beautiful grand-daughter and the smocked dress. I love all your other white items. Happy White Wednesday,have a great day, Jackie in UK.

chrissi said...

Was für schöne Wihte Wednesday Bilder.
Liebe Grüße, chrissi

podso said...

Shoes, dress, buttons, lace --- all dressed in white today. So beautiful!

France Guérin said...

I love that tablecloth,
I collect a few of them. Thanks for stopping by, you are welcome anytime.
But you know, I was just dreaming of my clotheline, Just imagine a pair of jeans in this cold!
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...


I think I should go shopping with you! $2.00 each for that beautiful tablecloth and smocked dress?! Wonderful finds indeed.
I do adore your vignettes (and blog) always so feminine and calming to the soul. I love white on white with the palest of pinks or blues. Stunning.
Thank you for sharing.


LENNU said...

Lovely white wednesday Carolyn!
Your tablecloth is treasure, so charming.
Have a nice day!
Warm greetings, Lennu

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Your whites are lovely, Carolyn! Love the baby booties. That little smocked dress is so sweet on your little Jessie. Have a nice day.


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Such lovely photos...and I love how you saved the best for last! Looking forward to reading your blog too!

Anonymous said...

how pure, how beautiful....!

my mother used make embroidered table cloths with handmade crochet lace trims when I was younger...and they do take a lot of passionate time and love.

your post was divine!
and your sweet!


stop by sometime...

Faded Charm said...

Sweet whites today and your granddaughter is beautiful. Hope you are enjoying your Wednesday.


Sanna - My Blueberry House said...

Love the white photos you are showing today. Buttons reminds me of my grandmother who collected them in big old jars.

The Blue Jay you catched on camera is so beautiful. We don´t have them here.

Have a nice day,

Susan said...

Hello Carolyn. That was a very beautiful post, as always. You find the most gorgeous things! The music was lovely, too. It sounded like Roma Downey (sp?) Sincerely, Susan from

Crystal said...

Oh Carolyn, everything is just so lovely. Your vignette is so cute with your husbands' baby photo. What a buy on that tableclothe and dress. Your granddaughter is adorable.
Happy White Wednesday.

The Old Parsonage said...

I love the White Wednesday posts - so serene! We're having our own white Wednesday - 18+ inches of snow is just piling up!!

Enjoy your day!

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Carolyn; Such gorgeous White photos... love your table scape... you have so lovely things... thanks for sharing


BailiwickStudio said...

What a beautiful tablecloth for such a low price! Lucky you! Your other whites are gorgeous too. ::Jill

Anonymous said...

All of your whites are so pretty~~

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Love your white post, Your Husbands baby photo is priceless, Love the Table cloth & Your Grandaughter is Precious...

Lori said...

your grand~daughter is a cutie pie...i love her smocked dress...all of your whites are really lovely...the vignette with the buttons is so sweet...thanks for sharing...happy white wednesday...

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Carolyn your whites are beautiful. I've recently fallen in love with clean and fresh.. Your granddaughter is just beautiful..hugs ~lynne~

Mimi said...

White Wednesday was created for you!!!!
It is all lovely to look at!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonjour ... Avec gran palisir je me suis promemé dans ton blog.
Il est d'une grand beauté
Belle journée

Rosy Inspiration said...

Love everything you showed, especially the tablecloth and the smocked dress, my goodness, you couldn't have gotten a better deal.

Miss Gracie's House said...

That lace...just gorgeous! What a beautiful vignette...white is so beautiful, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Button, booties and lace.. all my favorite things!

Old lace, loving created is just a lost art. So delicate and perfectly done.

I love it!

with love,

Ps.. I grabbed your button too! :)

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Carolyn,
How pretty! I love how fresh and clean white always looks. The tablecloth is beautiful! what a great find, I need to go shopping with you!.
A truly lovely post.
Take care and enjoy your day,

Joanne said...

What a feast of white for the eyes and such romantic collections.

Cindy said...

Such gorgeous whites, I love them. Hugs, Cindy S

Susan B said...

Some lovely pictures! The picture of your granddaughter is just precious...a beautiful dress. Have a wonderful weekend! said...

I love all of your yummy whites. White Wednesday is so much fun! And Jessie is adorable:)
Blog:Capers of the vintage vixens

Sarah Tognetti said...

Your blog is wonderful, I would be honored to do a banner exchange!
