Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Indoor Garden

We are getting a little fresh white snow this afternoon so it is lovely to have some cheery blooms to warm a gardeners heart. The above photo is the last of my bouquet of roses from last week-I sure did enjoy those!

This week at Walmart they had some pretty Gerber Daisy's for $2.99

Gerber Daisy's bloom for a long time and in summer can go in window boxes or planters.

These large Kalcochims were only $2.29 becauce they had some Christmas decorations in them-can't go wrong on these easy care plants.

I winter my geraniums over in the basement so I am slowly taking some up for my indoor garden

There was a blow out sale at Vesey's this fall and all their bags of bulbs and perennials were $2. even the amaryllis were $2. so I picked up a few.

African Violet with the Gerber Daisy

another amaryllis

The Vanco tulips grown locally are available in the grocery stores now making me happy. This week they are on sale for $5. for a bunch of ten- sweet deal!

My son gave me a new orchid- it is so pretty and very easy to care for.

This plant stand was a gift from a couple of my daughters a couple of years ago. I love it and it holds a number of plants. The baywindow gets the morning sun.

A couple of fun collages so easy to do with Picasa 3

What about you - do you have a little indoor garden too?

Enjoy the rest of your week end.



  1. All of them so beautiful Carolyn, and your pictures are great!!! I would love to see a picture of the entire indoor garden with your new flowers in it!!!
    Muchos cariños,
    Maria Cecilia

  2. I'm just starting to see tulips at our stores and am anxious to get some. Funny you have gerbers at your walmart way up there, as we do also! got some last week for my friend's birthday. Makes the world seem small. (the walmart thing)

  3. great photos carolyn. And thanks for welcoming my little tater bug into the world. He has already stole my heart. This granny stuff is fun!

  4. Beautiful Carolyn, Our day here has been cloudy and foggy. Your indoor garden certainly brightens things up. I head to town tomorrow, will look and hopefully will be able to pick some up..hugs ~lynne~

  5. Sweet whispers of spring in our winter days...I can almost smell them! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Carolyn, it is so lovely to see these photos of your beautiful blooms. The recent freeze left my garden looking a bit sad. Even my cyclamen took a beating this time. Now I need to get out there and clean up the mess. So thanks for sharing your blooms. ~ Sarah

  7. Oh tulips. I adore them so. Thank you for the spring feeling flowers in the heart of winter.

  8. Wow!!!! Beautiful and spectacular. The photos are great too.

  9. You are amazing. You take Walmart and grocery store bargains and make them look spectacular. I made my family look at this post to help teach them what you can make from next to nothing. Thank you so much for your beautiful post.
    - The Tablescaper

  10. Carolyn.. is that a gardenia in a potted container on the garden shelves photo? LOVE them!!!

    Tulips tulips and more tulips.. yes I'm soo ready for some lovely tulips!!!

    Trader Joe's should be getting them in soon.. but Fresh Market down the street just had a first arrival of those beauties. Makes me yearn for spring.

    with love,

  11. Absolutely beautiful photos, Carolyn. Makes me want to run out and get some fresh flowers! Thank you so much! Sincerely, Susan from

  12. Thank you for sharing. Such a pick-me-up on this dreary winter day.

  13. Carolyn...No, I don't have an indoor garden. I have a brown thumb when it comes to indoor plants. But I am pretty lucky with my outdoor garden! Thanks for the photos of the beautiful flowers to brighten our day!~Patti

  14. Dear Carolyn,
    You always amaze me with how many gorgeous pictures you present.

    Just Gorgeous and very uplifting.

    God bless,

  15. What a beautiful pink post. All your flowers have the softest colours, beautiful

  16. Hallo Carolyn;
    Here in holland snow is melting away....AND in my garden I suddenly notice the little green leafes of the SNOWDROPS !!
    Also the doves are inspecting their old nest in the ivy and bringing new makes me think SPRING is coming a bit..
    I also love tulips and here you can get them in ALLcolors very cheap!
    greetings from Fleur from Holland

  17. Hi Carolyn, Your flowers are beautiful! Like you I always need flowers around me as well. Yesterday I went to the market to buy some. I have been enjoying your magazines. Such beautiful pictures and articles :-)

    Enjoy your sunday!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  18. your flowers are just beautiful and i love your plant stand...Kathy

  19. They look so pretty!! I love gerbera daisy's, they are one of my fav's but I don't have your talent of keeping them alive unfortunatly ):

  20. I can smell them clear to Colorado!

  21. No indoor growing here. I wish! Well, actually I wish for summer. Your blooms are beautiful!

  22. Such a gorgeous and uplifting floral happy to meet another "Canadian" blogger. Happy day!

  23. Hi Carolyn,

    Wow, your photos are lovely and your blog is gorgeous! I will come back every now and then....

    Have a great day!

    ~*~ saskia ~*~

  24. Dear Carolyn,
    I found your blog at Madelief from the Netherlands and find it very cozy here :-) You have a beautiful home and with your flowers and blossoms it looks like a little paradise. Kindest regards from Germany.

  25. Gorgeous! You have a wonderful collection of beautiful flowers! Thank you for brightening our day.

  26. Carolyn what a lovely collection of flowering plants you have.

  27. Dear Carolyn, I do not know how you came to my humble blog but I am so Thankful you did. I came to your blog and feel myself completely transported. The snow powdered landscape first greeted me followed by the burst of tenderness by the flora portraits and of course your beautiful home...Pages from EM Forster's Room With A View came into my mind :) - Will be adding you to my must follow blog list...

  28. I always try to have flowers indoors whether they are ones I bring in or buy. We like a lot of the same flowers, but I especially love tulips in the spring!
    Take Care,


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
