Monday, January 18, 2010

Are you Craving Color?

Happy Mosaic Monday! Soon it will be the time of year that I start to crave color and I will enjoy looking through my garden photos to dream of the weeks(months) ahead.

So I made some mosaics to share with you.

Looking out my window now ,it is amazing to think of the changes that take place in a matter of weeks once winter is over.

However,for now I am content to enjoy the white sparkling snow and the beautiful sunshine we are having today but soon I will be longing for all these colorful blooms of the spring and summer garden to return- what about you?

Today I am once again joining in on Mosaic Monday at Little Red House where there are lots of beautiful mosaics to see.

Enjoy your day!

Please, remember those in Haiti and here in Canada the government will match your donation dollar for dollar.


  1. You have a great green thumb! Time spent is the garden is always rewarding and rewarded.

  2. Yes, all of my color is brown now after the crazy cold weather we had last week in Florida!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos!

  3. After visiting a few blogs it seems that everybody is longing for spring... Georgeous and nostalgic mosaic. That makes me dream of my summer garden

  4. Gorgeous colors! Fabulous mosaics!

  5. Your mosaics help to satisfy my cravings for spring, too. I even found myself peaking in a flowerbed this weekend, hoping to see a tiny sprout popping up, since it has been very warm for January, but of course, it is way too early. I look forward to more "spring" photos from your garden.

  6. Loved seeing your very beautiful flowers, Carolyn. Ahhhhh, can spring be right around the corner? Sincerely, Susan from

  7. These flowers are stunning! Gorgeous colours!
    Happy new week.

  8. The winter gives us a truce and makes us dream about the spring. Beautiful images and compositions.Tanks you for showing.
    Have a nice week,

  9. I am craving color and your mosaics really helped! Beautiful flowers! I've been thinking about my garden so much lately but it's still going to be a while here.

  10. Lovely color, Carolyn, we have a long time til we see it in our garden. But that is the wonderful thing about where we live, we have the opportunity to enjoy all four distinct seasons. I love that! When I lived on the West Coast, Vancouver area, we missed out on some of that.

  11. Seeing your mosaics brightened my day. I long for Spring too since it has been so cold here in our area. I am anxious to get back in my garden and am tired of all the brown.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  12. Another wonderful mosaic from you Carolyn!! Great colour to cheer us up on a Monday, I think with our weather we need it every day of the week at the moment!!!

    I hope you didn't mind me mentioning your blog on my post today?

    Jackie in UK

  13. Great pictures and a reminder that spring will be here sooner than we think.


  14. Those are fabulous! Love those colors, although your header is lovely too..:)

  15. Lovely photos of your indoor garden as well as of your post today. I´m craving for a bouquet of colorful, crisp tulips right now.

    Have a nice day,

  16. YES!, I'm craving colour and your mosaics have satisfied the craving no end lol, Gorgeous blooms Carolyn and they make stunning mosaics. Kathy

  17. Carolyn, beautiful mosaics. We're all craving anything but fog around here. We've had a "solid" week of it here. Very unusual for us this time of year..
    hugs ~lynne~

  18. Lovely reminders of joys to come.

  19. Beautiful flowers Carolyn, how did you know we were craving colour?
    Overcast and dreary looking day here in Ontario, hope yours was better.

  20. I crave color year round! Your flowers are gorgeous. Beautiful photos!

  21. Oh, I can't wait to see your garden. I never looked at a single decorating blog till I made my first week of posts on Dec. 2009. I know when I see your gardens bloom in spring I will be amazed. It is exciting to anticipate the coming of some of these lovely blogs' gardens.

  22. Hi Carolyn! Oh, yes! I love your gorgeous beautiful flowers! Your gardens are always so lovely! What a wonderful mosaic they make!
    I've missed you and it's so good to be back. Thank you for coming to see me while I was away!
    Keep warm.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Just gorgeous. What lovely color! Our snow has all been rained away or melted. But that's OK, we all need a little down time.
    - The Tablescaper

  24. Yes, I'm craving color!!! Thank you for feeding my "habit and needs" with your beautiful colorful mosaics....I needed that!!!

  25. Me too .. me too.. I want spring after being 62 today.. I am soo looking forward to spring floral!!

    You know I adore your mosaics!!

    with love,


  26. Beautiful and vibrant colors...all the mosaics are just breathtaking!

  27. it reminds me of why Spring is so exciting!!!

  28. Amazing flowers and photos. Love the first mosaic. I can't wait until we have some color here in Florida again.

  29. Lovely mosaics :) Thanks for stopping by.

  30. Don't miss the second part of the post today!

  31. Gorgeous mosaics! I always love seeing your flowers!

  32. I loved your post today. The cake looks so yummy with that fluffy frosting. I especially love your red china. Please share the name of the pattern.
    My husband and I are planning a retirement trip to PEI in September. I'd love to meet with you for a spot of tea!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
