Friday, July 31, 2009

A Garden Tour

The garden is full of blooms now so I thought you might like to take a tour with me.

I have several Annebelle hydrangea in the garden. I love how easy care they are as well as beautiful and long lasting.

Jackmani clematis with Mary Rose.

I love this yellow rose but I don't know the name of it. If I had more time I could maybe find a record of it.

We have so many daylilies in bloom now-I will share some photos of them later.

It is a just a quick tour today as we are taking our grandaughter Jessie out for a fun day-you will probably see more of that too as you probably know I don't go far without my camera!

Have a good day!



Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

I always love touring your beautiful gardens. Have a great day with your granddaughter..
hugs ~lynne~

Deanna said...

Ahhhhhh, lovely!
I like the way you have the flowers curving around in beds. Just beautiful.

Aren't we blessed to be able to capture our surroundings in pictures? You will have such fun with your sweet granddaughter.

I tried really hard to capture my lil granddaughter over on my blog today...and I have to laugh, 'cause I did. She's so active most pics are a blur. And she is just this busy! Ha HA.

Sandra said...

What a beautiful garden! I'd love to have a garden like this someday. :) It is truly magnificient.
Have a great day with your granddaughter. :)

Eileen said...

It's just like taking a stroll through what I imagine Heaven is like.
All the best,

sweetbay said...

Your garden looks fabulous!

It's just unbelievably beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your garden! I dream of having a garden like this!

June said...

Just takes my breath away, Carolyn!
An amazing sight!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Beautiful, beautiful! It is almost magical...the beauty of your garden must make you feel so good inside just to take a stroll through it! My Annabelle hydrangea is doing beautifully too right now. Such a showy flower!

podso said...

Lovely tour. Wonderful photo of the garden through the screen door! It is just incredible the difference in your surroundings between winter and summer! (both are lovely, by the way).

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Simply lovely, Carolyn! Enjoy your day with your sweet little granddaughter!


Betsy said...

I loved the stroll through your garden, can't wait to see more. Enjoy your granddaughter and have a great weekend,

Hélène Flont , french illustrator said...

How enchanting place, poetic and so delicate . A perfection!!!A dream for a painter. Un grand bonjour de Normandie Carolyn!!!

Bernideen said...

Words can not describe this beauty you have! Thank you for such a lovely place!

Rhondi said...

Every time you show us new photos of your garden I am amazed all over again at how beautiful it is!

Suzann said...

Your gardens leave me breathless.

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

There are no words for this much beauty. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

WoW! Your garden is breathtakingly beautiful!

Tammy said...

It's always such a pleasure to see your beautiful garden, thank you! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful day with your sweet grandbaby!

*Ulrike* said...

Ok, I guess I'll just go out to my garden now and fuss at it! One day maybe my garden will look like that, and then we will probably have to move!! Such beautiful photos, I really do need to get the paints out. I have seen so many photos lately of lovely places that make me want to paint! Not that I can really paint, but I'll have fun!

Cindy said...

Everything is always so beautiful in your garden. I have never in real life seen such a place. Thank you for the tour. Hugs ~cindy s~

Lylah Ledner said...

Incredibly lovely...I must take more time and linger through all your sweet garden spots....

La Maison et la Jardin

Peg said...

Your garden is beautiful!

Naturegirl said...

Carolyn: I so enjoyed my tour of your garden of bliss! Every corner delights my senses! Oh my what a wonderful setting for having tea..I read your last post! Yours is a garden I shall come too as I move forward in my journey with chemo for the much needed calm and feeling of peace. Thank you for posting and for your supportive words w/ regards to my latest diagnosis. love and light Anna xo

JEWEL said...

Your gardens are just breathtaking. I can't think of a better place to relax, or read or just enjoy the beauty.

Unknown said...

I love gardens & lawns but at times got scared of the insects they develop. Lucky to have palmers “exterminators” in command & would refer their services to everyone here in Miami. One could keep & enjoy the gardens, only if they’ve a professional pest control / exterminator in contact.