Hello everyone,
Sorry,I have been absent for a few days-time seems to slip by so quickly. However, I have some cool summer blues for you today.
Delphiniums are such tall and stately plants in the garden. I love the rich colors of these.
The aqua blue chairs adds another spot of color to the garden
Campanula Prichard's variety looks so pretty with the tall spikes of Delpenium in the background. I love the color combination but also the two shapes together.
A deep mauve delphenium with a white bee.
Mr. President clematis looks good growing near the delpheniums and campanula.
This is the Josephine clematis now -it is just the center pompoms as it losses it outer petals.It is still pretty and has been blooming for weeks now.
The Jackimanni clematis and the monkshood make a pretty combo too.
This arbor has two Jackmani clematis growing over it so it puts on a really good show.
Jackmani superbra growing over another arbor .
On the left is a meadow rue and the right is an unknown clematis.

Anyway,I hope you enjoyed some pretty shades of blue from our garden.
Thank you for all your sweet comments on my last post and welcome to new blog followers.
Today, I am joining My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday.
Take care,
H Carolyn,
It is all so lovely, and I am so glad to get a peek at your amazing Delphinium... they are one of my favorite plants and I struggle with them, so seeing yours in always a big pleasure!
The sun has arrived here too, and I am having to drag out the hoses, Now I am wishing for a little rain (we are never pleased!! haha).
Oh Carolyn, It is just beautiful! I love your garden photos, keep them coming! How do you get your clematis to grow up your wall, what do you secure it with? Is there a hidden trellis? We are dry here too, need rain badly!
Thanks so much again for your inspiration!
Have a wonderful evening,
Your delphiniums are amazing! I just love the blues :)
My delphineums are just now blooming and I am in LOVE. I can't get enough and will definitely grow more and fill an area for a grand show in blue.
Lovely. I'm admiring 'abuntant flowering garden'which is very tastefully laid out.Really its abundant species is also amazing and very different from that of my country, actually I see the delphiniums for the first time in my life. Thanks for sharing your posting. your garden gave me exjubrant delight,in my daytime breaks. p.s it's easy to read that I put your blog hold on my google reader♪
Darling Carloyn, as always one of the most baeutiful blue corner I've ever seen!! That unknown clematis is wonderful, but I love all the plants you have, especially I love delphinium, but the heat here kill them in a minute... They will remain a dream to me.
This summer in my town is the less rainy I can remember.
Hugs and always thank you for all that beauty!
I always love a show of the garden. Your delphiniums are bloomed already? I'm so jealous mine are not in bloom yet. I have bachelor's buttons found old seed and planted them to see if they would grow and they produced lovely results. You have been away for a few days, oh my. I was away sick for 2 months and seems I am so far out of the loop I'm not sure there is a coming back. It is hard to get back on your feet again.
Yes we have had some very nice weather, I hear we have another heat wave coming through...hang on, take care
Hello Carolyn,
It is often said that true-blue flowers are hard to find. When I see your charming pictures of those vivid coloured delphiniums I cannot help but cry out: 'Look at those stunning blues!'
I very much enjoyed your previous post. I read all the Green Gables books as a child, read them to my eldest daughter and now I cannot wait for my youngest to be old enough to share the pleasure too.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Your delphiniums are PERFECTION! Your garden a feast for the eyes......
Oh my, Carolyn. The color of these blooms is absolutely stunning. You are so good to share your heaven with all of us.
I just attended a Delphinium Day at a nursery but I have to say your display is far superior Carolyn. The best blue plant to have.
This is my first time visiting your blog. Your Delphiniums and Jackmani Clematis are gorgeous! I'm your newest Follower. Thank you for sharing your garden - it's so inspiring.
I have a terrible weakness for blue flowers...even old fashioned bachelor's buttons!
Your blue flowers are like a touch of heaven:)))))
Hello, dear Carolyn!
I've been coming and enjoying but have not been able to comment, lately. I've been in the garden, myself... and pretty wiped out and wordless by the time I come indoors. I've started some new borders and I feel wonderful about all of the growth and expansion but, when I see how lush you garden is, it makes me laugh at my small but happy attempts. ;)
I was so proud of my row of delphiniums, this year! (Although, one side still could double in size.) They're at the scraggly end, now, but they're putting out new growth for another spurt - joy! =] This time it will be with the butterfly bush blooming, too! I just bought some clematis to train over our bay windows. Hopefully, they'll be pretty from the inside looking out, too! =]
So, you see, it's wonderfully refreshing and inspiring to see all of your grown and matured plants. I do find so much encouragement from Blogland!!! With the horrible drought that we're having - just as I'm doing the hard labour of breaking ground - it's so nice to be reminded what I'm aiming for! I can't express how serious I am about that - so lush and lovely!
So, best wishes to you and happy gardening and your posts are always so fun - so pretty - so my heart!
Katy xxo
BOTHERATION!!! (LOL!) It absolutely would NOT post - even though I waited. Then, I double clicked and look.... four of my silly comment! Eeesh! =/ I'll try to take them off. ;) =]
Hi Carolyn: I am now picking my jaw up off the keyboard--WOW--how I love your delphiniums! Just magnificent. I grow them every year as well, but few of mine are as large and lovely as yours. I am a lover of all things blue and purple as well--I have 'Jackmanii' in bloom right now too--such a lovely clematis, as all of yours are. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us, and have a wonderful weekend!
Wonderful garden! So many pretty colors. My delphineums do not do well at this house. In a previous house I had a lovely row of them. . .now 2 straggly ones. So sad.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Your flower photos are magnificent. I've enjoyed reading your blog. I'm just a beginner in the garden. I baby my 5 rose plants and my hubby does everything else.
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