Friday, September 23, 2022

Happy Fall

Happy Fall !

Well, it is time for me to give up
on summer and move into a fall
mode.....always a little hard for
me to do but there are many
things to enjoy about fall here
as well.

I picked this bouquet from our
cottage garden a couple of
days ago.

Tea time

A little fall vignette



It is the calm before the storm
here on Prince Edward Island.

We have been preparing for the
last couple of days for Hurricane
Fiona to hit our part of the world.
 It will be downgraded to a tropical
storm before it hits us but still
expected to have a powerful punch.

I am hoping and praying that it will
not be as bad as predicted. The weather
is so extreme lately that one never
knows what to expect even here on
our peaceful little Island.

We are hunkered in and a pot
  of soup is simmering on the stove
and a couple of batches of 
scones are going in the oven we won't go hungry

Thank you for your visit!


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Chintz Blues by the Sea

Hello everyone,

 We have had beautiful weather here
so I have been enjoying these last
summer days by the sea as
much as possible.

our beach view

I enjoy having my afternoon tea
out on our deck.

I am using my blue chintz tea set
today and blueberry buckle is
a delicious treat.

The tea cup is Queen's and
it is made in England.

I love watching the sailboats go by
our little Ocean Song Cottage.

The weather is cooler here today so
fall is on the way.
The 70 mile coastal yard sale is
this weekend so I am looking
forward to my treasure hunt!

Thank you for visiting,


Friday, September 9, 2022

Aqua Tea

Hello everyone,

Today was another beautiful day
and I enjoyed lunch with good friends
at a summer cottage. It seems we
have all been busy this summer so
it was nice to catch up.

I apologize to those who have been
following my blog by email and
are no longer getting them to notify
that I have posted.
I know I am not very computer savvy
so I don't know how to correct this....
if any of you have any info to share
on this I would be happy to hear from

Just a simple post today on a pretty new teacup
and placemats on a recent treasure hunt.

Aqua is such a pretty summer color.

A small bouquet of pink hydrangeas from
our garden.

We were saddened to hear of the Queen's
passing yesterday. She certainly set a 
wonderful example for us all.

Thank you for visiting and I hope
you will pop in again soon!

Have a great weekend,


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Blue and White Tea for the Ukraine

Hello everyone,

I am finally getting around to posting
some photos of our tea a few weeks
It was a beautiful day and I think
everyone enjoyed it.

Our theme for this tea was blue and white
and I was able to come up with enough
blue & white linens and china.

My granddaughter volunteered to
help serve and was a great help.

My friend Barbara made the bouquets
with flowers from Island Meadow Farms.
They were so beautiful and the blue
added to our theme.

I have collected vintage blue and
white tablecloths for a number of
years and they looked so pretty
on our tables on the screened porch.

I love these pretty blueberry
tarts on the blue and white
transferware plate.

A table set in the terrace was a perfect
shady place to enjoy tea and the garden.

We had a lovely young harpist
play for us....a nice addition
to our garden tea.

A beautiful bouquet with sunflowers
to remind us of the Ukraine is ready
to greet our tea friends at the gate.

       Thank you to all who supported our tea!

      I can't believe it is already September and
   summer will soon be coming to a close.

     I hope to enjoy as many summer activities
as possible before we move into fall.

Thank you for visiting me !
