Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Afternoon Tea for the Ukraine

     Hello everyone,

   I am happy to say our afternoon tea
was pretty amazing, if I do say so

Barbara and I spent days getting ready
for it starting with washing and pressing
all our white vintage linens,scraping and
painting the porch floor,getting all the
tables and chairs gathered up along
with the pretty china and bouquets.
Then, of course there was all the
food to prepare.
And of course,we can't forget
all the grass cutting,swipper sniping
and weeding etc. my husband did.


Barbara did most of the food and
she did an amazing job.....there
were lots of rave reviews!

Barbara's daughter came up from Maine
to help.

Barbara and I are all ready
for our guests to arrive.

                                                 We had lots of lovely ladies
                                                  and a couple of gentlemen.

Puffed sleeves to honor our
Anne of Green Gables theme.


                                                      Our guests could tour The Boathouse
                                                       as well as the gardens. The sun made
                                                       it's appearance at noon just in time .

A charming tea table surrounded
by roses in the garden.

Barbara and I really appreciate all
those who supported our tea for
the Ukraine and I am happy to say
we were able to raise $1000 in
ticket sales and donations that
has already been sent off. I know
with all the devastation that this is only
a tiny drop in the bucket but maybe we
can all do a little and make it count.

Well, we are so happy that everyone enjoyed
our afternoon tea and Barbara and I enjoyed
all the preparations. Stay tuned because we
are already planning another event!

Thank you also to my daughter,sister in law,
 my sister
and Barbara's daughter for helping with the
mounds of dishes in the kitchen etc.

Hope they will all come back for our
next event! ☺

Take care,


Friday, June 17, 2022

Rainy Day Blues

Hello everyone,

It was a rainy day here at Ocean Song
Cottage today so I enjoyed making
some scones for tea.

Ocean Song Cottage

It was a blue tea time today.

I got the teapot in Maine on
our trip.

I was able to find some pretty
blue and white china for my
collection here at the cottage.

I think it is time to curl up
with a book now and listen
to the rain coming down
and watering the garden for us.

I made rhubarb cordial today for
our upcoming garden tea next
Saturday. Yesterday, we painted
the porch floor and some of our
chairs. We are starting to get our
tables gathered up and Barbara and
I are looking forward to setting up
the tables to get the best use of space.

I will take some photos of the porch,
food, china etc. to share soon.

Hope you enjoyed my rainy day blues!

Thanks for visiting,



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Provincetown Cape Cod

                                                             Hello everyone,

                                   Last week my husband and I went on a holiday
                                   down to Cape Cod. It has been several years
                                   since we were there, so I was happy to be able
                                   to hop in our car and drive down.
                                     It is about a 13 hour drive from our house, so
                                  we stopped part way down for a night to break
                                   up the drive.
                                       The first night in Cape Cod we drove up to
                                   Provincetown at the far tip of the Cape.

                                     It is a charming little town by the sea and I
                                    loved seeing the pretty homes and gardens.

                                                    I love grey shingled houses.


They have beautiful little front gardens to enjoy.

Who doesn't love roses spilling over
a white picket fence?

A close up of one of my favorites

Lots of picket fences and arbors

It was fun to walk around the town on a
beautiful evening.

More of  weathered grey shingled cottages

We spent a few days touring the Cape and
even took a trip over to Nantucket which
has been on my bucket list forever.
I will share more pics later.


It was a rainy day today and Barbara and
I enjoyed a day in the kitchen making
food for the Tea Party on June 25th
All the tickets are now sold! Thank you
everyone for supporting this worthy cause.

We have washed and pressed all my prettiest
linens and will be sprucing up our screened
porch for the event so we should be organized
before the big day.....hopefully.

Thank you for visiting,



Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Blue & White Tea with Lilacs

Hello everyone,

The lilacs are coming into full bloom
here and I am enjoying picking
little bouquets to enjoy indoors.

I was delighted to get a copy of this
beautiful Blue & White book by
Victoria.....especially since there
is a little feature of our garden in it.

If you love blue and white I am
sure you will love this book too!

Pretty linens,china and a bouquet

I do love blue and white in all shades.
The tulips are from our cottage garden,
so pretty with the lilacs.

Love this little covered dish from Bombay.

I hope you take time to enjoy
a cup of tea.

Our tickets are going well for
our afternoon tea for the Ukraine,
but still a few left if you are interested.
There is more info on the previous post,
if you would like to check it out.

Thank you for visiting,


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Welcome June and a Tea Update

Welcome June,

June is my favorite month so I
am always happy when it arrives.

It is also, the start of lilac season here
to make it even better.

I picked my first bouquet of the
season in our garden yesterday.

We have many different varieties in
our garden to extend the season.

                                            This was taken last June.

Love old buckets full of

A handmade basket with
a big bouquet of lilacs.

    It is time for tea!

   Just a little update on our garden
 tea for the Ukraine.....the
date is set for Saturday June 25
starting at 2:00 pm and
going until 4:pm.

Our theme for this tea is
Anne of Green Gables....
so a nice old fashioned
afternoon tea.
The price for this tea is
$35. per person and all
of the proceeds will
go to the Ukraine.

There is a LM Montgromery
conference here in Charlottetown
for a few days around that time
so  we thought an Anne of
Green Gables theme would
be very appropriate right
here in the land of Anne.

There will be a limited number
of tickets due to seating etc.
so please book early to
support this good cause.
You can email me at

Thank you for visiting!