Friday, December 31, 2021

Winter White

Happy New Year!

Well another year is over and
a new year about to begin
I am sure I am not alone
in hoping the pandemic
will soon be behind
us and we will feel
safe once again.

We have not had much snow yet so
I was happy to see a nice dusting
of white on the trees and lawn
a couple of days ago.
You can see how pretty it
is through the window.

I have tea ready and it
is time to enjoy a
little downtime.

I love this English ironstone teapot that
was a gift from a friend.

I found a couple of teacups to
match it.

I took the Christmas tree
down that was in the
middle but still have
the rest of my Christmas
decor up. It seems just as
I hang on to summer as
long as I can I also want
to enjoy Christmas as
long as possible.
Soon, I will edit it down
to just winter stuff.

I would like to wish you all
 a happy and healthy New Year 
filled with  love ,joy and

Take good care,


Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Blessings

Hello everyone,

I am just popping in to wish
you all a Christmas
filled with love,peace,
joy and good health.

We will be worshiping at home this
year as covid restrictions means
our church will only be live
streaming to keep us safe
as our numbers are climbing.

We are thankful that we can
have some of our family
with us for Christmas
dinner but alas, not all as
we are only allowed
10 besides ourselves.

How about you.....what
does your Christmas 
look like this year?

Love to you and your family,



Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Friendly Village Tea

Hello everyone,

Can you believe Christmas is
almost here. It is time to slow
down and enjoy the real reason
for the season.

I have a little corner in our bedroom
that is a perfect place to quietly reflect
on all our blessings.

The fireplace is going (propane) and tea
is already.

I always like to use some of my Friendly
Village dishes at Christmas time.

I hope to be back with one more
post before Christmas.....thank
you for following along and to
all who leave friendly little
messages though out the
year , a big thank you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Cosy Winter Nook in the Boathouse

Hello everyone,

On this first day on winter and
our winter solstice I have a
cosy little winter retreat
for you.

It is nice to know that our days here
are now starting to get longer.

You can curl up with a warm furry throw
and a hot cup of cocoa in my
new copper mug from Homesense.

We have a good dusting of snow 
here and our pond has a thin
coat of ice....not enough for
ice skating yet though.

Cocoa and whipped cream
with a sprinkle of cinnamon
is a favorite winter treat.

A broader view

Christmas touches add some
charm to our little nook.


       Happy Winter Solstice!
                                            I wanted to include a snowy winter
                                            shot of our little Boathouse from a
                                            previous winter when we had a lovely
                                            coat of snow. We are expecting some
                                            snow tomorrow but alas, it will be
                                            followed by rain.
                                               I am looking forward to going for
                                            a drive this evening to see the Christmas
                                   seems every year there are
                                            more and more to see.

                                              I will be back tomorrow with some indoor
                                             shots of our home but now I better get
                                             some baking done!

                                                                           Thanks for visiting,


Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas in our Library

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well and
looking forward to celebrating
the birth of Jesus this week.

As some of you know we gave our
library a makeover a few months
We are happy with the changes but
I especially love it all decorated
for Christmas.

It is a good place to enjoy reading
a book with a hot drink.
I love my new copper mugs!

A few closeups.....the very old fiddle was
my husbands uncles and I made the
stockings tears ago from fabric scraps.

You can see the Christmas tree through
the french doors in the dining area.

Thank you for visiting!

I have been in the mood to
do a few photo shoots lately
so I will share those soon.

      If we have more covid restrictions
put on us to keep us safe I will
have loads of time for playing
with my camera so you might
see more of me.

Stay safe and stay happy,


Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Blue & White Transferware Tea

Hello everyone,

I am back again with an afternoon
tea in our library.

My tea time tray

Sticky date pudding with
toffee sauce is a delicious
treat at Christmas time.

                                             I lucked in to seven of these
                                             beautiful Spode Italian teacups
                                             at a local thrift store recently.

Blue and white transferware
is one of my favorites.


I hope you enjoyed joining
me for tea today.

Thanks for popping in!

Take care,
