Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pretty Peonies

Hello everyone

I hope you are having a good week.

I have really enjoyed all the beautiful
peonies in the garden this year but
alas, the season is almost over for
another year.

I enjoyed many bouquets of various peonies
but these pink Hawaiian coral peonies are
newer to my garden so an added treat to
my collection.

So far they are not heavy bloomers
but maybe as they mature they will

They are so pretty.....aren't they?

A cottage bouquet

A collage from the cottage with the roses in
bloom in the background.

I will have to share some garden pics soon,
the delphiniums, daylillies,phlox and
hydrangeas are all getting ready to
bloom now.

Thanks for visiting,



  1. Draga Carolyn,
    Superbi bujori, intradevar!
    Bujorii sunt florile mele preferate, alaturi de hortensii si margarete.
    Cat de frumos ai decorat in jurul tau, racoros si confortabil! Imi place mult si abia astept sa vad pozele urmtoare cu florile din gradina.
    O vara minunata,

  2. Good morning Carolyn,
    Hello from Ontario. Our peonies bloomed a full two weeks earlier than normal this year and they were spectacular. I have two "Coral Charm" peonies which I planted three years ago and this year they outdid themselves. The plants were very robust and sported many blooms that first opened as a deep coral and then faded to a soft pale buttery yellow. I loved them. I have many peonies that have self-seeded over the years and produced many variants. One of these variants I have named for my granddaughter, Princess Ellie. The flower is a huge bloom with many tightly packed petals and the colour is a lovely creamy white with a pale pink centre.
    I love reading your blog posts and your influence has prompted me to introduced a number of new shrubs to my garden. Thank you so much.
    Happy gardening, Laura

  3. Those peonies are stunning! What a color!

    Our peony season was short this year, but I always enjoy every second of it!

  4. Good Morning, Carolyn!
    That's a beautiful colour! I've never seen a peony of that colour before. Your season is ahead of ours. The peonies in our garden won't be blooming for another week or so yet; although the white peonies have already bloomed. I hope they last as we are expecting heavy rains & winds on the weekend, which nearly always seem to be the case here around peony time, so the blooms never seem to last long. Their beauty if fleeting, so we have to catch it while we can.
    That looks like an interesting book...I hope you are enjoying relaxing summer days at your glorious cottage by the ocean. We loved it there! XOXO
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. Pinks and corals are perhaps my two favorite colors. In truth, I love all colors and could not bear to live in a beige environment. I love your coral peonies. Unfortunately, I don't have any peonies in my garden, but every May I look forward to buying as many as I can from my local Trader Joe's. I'm hooded on "Coral Charm". Thanks, as always, for your lovely post, Carolyn.

  6. Dearest Carolyn,
    One has to envy you for your perfect Peony growing climate!
    We had them for a couple of years but they died... too hot here.
    Lovely photos, as usual.

  7. They are LOVELY!! I had only one flower in my peony this summer, firs time. :D :D Maybe more next year!

  8. Hello,,Carolyn would you mind if I post the link to your blog in Atlantic Peony on Facebook. We are part of the Canadian Peony Society.

    The Coral series are definite charners and worth having in everyone's garden.

    Cheers, Glynis

  9. Hi Glynis,
    I agree ....they are beautiful! Yes, you may share the link on facebook.
    Have a great day,


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
