Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Lazy Summer Days

Hello everyone

I  hope you are enjoying some lazy
summer days. Summer always goes
by so quickly it seems.

I  enjoy lounging around  on a sunny
summer day in my old vintage chaise
with a good book and the scent of the roses
blooming around me.

The cushion for the chaise came from Homesense

Somedays it is my favorite
spot to relax with my book.

Sitting on the dock by the pond watching
the wildlife is also a pleasant passtime.

Or maybe a picnic by the pond?

Sometimes lazing around in the
hammock is the way to go!

How do you like to spend a lazy summer

Enjoy your day!



  1. Summe days are lovely days, your photos show that

  2. Lazy hot summer; +30 for weeks! Walking on the night time. Flowers! Swimming. Lakes... :)

  3. I don't seem to have many "lazy summer days" as have been so busy trying to get our yard into shape and watering twice a day because of the intense heat! I don't think I've sat out in a lounge chair once t his year yet! too hot! I long for a pond or creek to sit by, or a river or lake, or the ocean. Our climate is so dry that we really can't go outside and relax at all. Life is just too busy it seems and I don't take much time to relax, unless it's finally to plop down in my chair at 10:00 at night and watch a Hallmark Movie! Your place looks so serene and inviting! xoxo Marilyn

  4. I am not very good at being lazy in summer.
    All your lovely chairs and spots could entice me.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
