Sunday, January 31, 2021

Peaceful Sunday

      Hello everyone,

        I hope you are enjoying a relaxing

         I am sharing some photos that bring
     back good memories for me and I
hope you will enjoy them too.

Obviously, these photos are not new
this year as we are months away from
lilac season here.

This was taken at the cottage last

This is the bunkie at the cottage.

It has soothing blue and white colore
and is a favorite spot for our grandchildren
to hang out in summer.

Tea and lilacs.

Tea and garden roses on the porch.

The chaise in our bedroom both
above and below. It is a great
spot for a relaxing tea.

Our little Gardener's Cottage
all in white.

It is hard to believe we are
saying goodbye to January already.

Thank you for popping by today
and I hope you are having a
relaxing,peaceful day!

Take care,



Tuesday, January 26, 2021

My Red and White Transferware

Hello everyone,

I am finally getting around to
sharing my red and white
transferware collection
as promised a few weeks

I know some of you have seen bits
and pieces over the years.

As, you can see I have a mix of
old and new transferware.

The above teapot is very old
and comes from Japan.

I have been collecting it
for several years now,
often one piece at a time.

The big platter came from
an antique shop in Old
It is a Vista by Mason.

This pretty  covered vegetable bowl
was a gift from a friend.

Some of you have asked where I
store it all and I have them on 
display in two glass door
cupboards and  some
on the walls.

I love this square platter also
a Vista by Mason.

This small soup tureen sits on the
wall display in the first photo.

A peek inside.

This corner cabinet is also
full of china but a mix of
lovely treasures.

An Old British Castles Tea.

I have several transferware
teapots both big and small.

This pattern is called
Florance and I have
several cups and
saucers that I lucked
into at a thrift store.

I wanted to share this photo
again as it shows the two
cupboards full of my
red and white transferware.
Don't worry, my tree is gone

I like finding little ways to
display my china around
the kitchen so I can enjoy
it everyday!

I hope you are doing well.

It is hard to believe that we
are a year into our pandemic.

I didn't think a year ago that we would
be still dealing with it, but at least
there is hope now.

We have been so fortunate on our
little Island but we are also very
careful to wear masks  sanitize and
keep our distance .

Take good care,


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Laundry Day

Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going well.

Today, my post is a little bit different,
as I would like to share  a newer
product with you that I feel is more
earth friendly.

For sometime now I have been
bothered by the laundry detergent
isle at the grocery store.
The chemical odor and all those
big plastic bottles really 
bother me.

So, I was happy to find this product
advertised somewhere, and on
looking into it I sent for a
years supply of the
unscented ones and it
all came in one small
cardboard box!
They also have mildly
scented daughter
likes the linen scent of hers.

I love this product Tru Earth and have
recommended it to my family
and friends.
Now,in case you are wondering
this is not a sponsored ad
and I am not paid in any way....
I just think this is a way to help
care for the environment.


It is important to mention
that our laundry comes out
as clean as my previous

So, I hope some of you will look into this
and someday maybe we can get rid of
that long isle of  bottled chemicals.

Thank you for listening.!

Take care,

Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Peaceful Winter Sunday

Happy Weekend,

     We are enjoying some nice winter
days here...some snow but milder
temperatures then most Januarys.

If you enjoy the outdoors
in winter you can relax
in the hammock with
a warm winter throw.

And when you come in a hot
tea and some gingerbread will
really hit the spot!

A comfy chair by the window.


Our winter pond.

Another favorite spot to curl
up in with a cup of tea and
a good book.


                                                    Sheep sugar cookies
                                                     are always a treat.


I love this winter photo of
our granddaughter Lila.

I hope you enjoy the
rest of your weekend.

Thanks for visiting,


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

American Beauty

   Hello everyone,

I have put away all our Christmas,
decor....well except for some in
our family room that I intend to
enjoy for awhile yet

So, today it is a very different
look for my post.

Last October my husband and I
spent a few days in Nova Scotia
when our Covid bubble was open
to the Atlantic provinces.

We enjoyed one of our nights in
Lunenburg . So, the next day on
a beautiful sunny day we enjoyed 
a stroll by the beautiful heritage
homes. As, luck would have it
there were a few yard sales set up.

I spotted these beauties and could not resist them!

American Beauty by Royal Albert

The lovely lady that I bought these from
told me that her Mom(a war bride)
from England took this set with her on the
          ship after the war. 
It reminded me of my Dutch Mama
who also was a war bride...alas though no dishes!

She said the dishes that I got were all
that were left of the set after many years
of good use.

I was happy to get them and she
was happy they would still be loved.

I love that the creamer and sugar
dish on the tray survived.

I didn't get a teapot with them but I
 am sure it was used to serve
many cups of English tea!

This teapot I already had and it
is a pretty good match I think and
who knows when an American Beauty
teapot will show up at another yard sale.

So pretty!

Well, I am off for my walk and
I just might enjoy a cup of tea
by the fireside when I get back.

I hope you have a spot of beauty
in your day!

Thank you to all who left good
wishes for us in 2021.

Take care,
