Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to pop in and
wish you a very Merry Christmas.

It is a beautiful day here and the
next couple of days are going to
be very mild so our dusting
of snow won't last the day
but I will enjoy while
it lasts.

Last night we went for a
drive around town to see
the lights and I enjoyed
it very much. Every year
it seems there is more and
more lights to see.

This year we will not be able to
have all of our family for Christmas
because of covid but I am thankful
we are allowed twelve in total.
One of my daughters is hosting
our son and his family along
with her family so I am happy
that everyone will enjoy a
good meal and time with
some family.
Hopefully next year we can
all be together once more.

We took a walk around town a few days
ago and I took a few pictures of our
hometown decked out for Christmas.

So, I will end by wishing you peace,
joy, love and good health!

We are off to church shortly for
our Christmas Eve service .....
wearing our masks and social
distancing but thankful we
can go.

Merry Christmas!



Saturday, December 19, 2020

Cosy Christmas at Home

Hello everyone,

Can you believe that Christmas is
less that a week away?

We have been enjoying our
evening here by the fireside.


It is not fancy but it is a cosy
comfortable spot to be on
a cool winter day.

We enjoy our tea and snacks
in here.

My daughter made us a
lovely pumpkin loaf to
enjoy with our tea.

Christmas tea cups.

I enjoy the cosy rustic look here
in our family room.

Well, our youngest granddaughter has 
just arrived so we have a cosy
evening planned together.

Thank you for visiting and I
hope you are enjoying your

Take care ,

Thursday, December 17, 2020

A White Christmas in the Boathouse

      Hello everyone,

      I hope you are doing well and
             are enjoying the Christmas season.

               I am still waiting for a nice snowfall

I have shared some of these
photos before as these were
taken a few years ago.

As many of you know my husband
and son built the Boathouse by our
pond seven years ago 

This is the conservatory/sunroom
on the back facing south.

We used old french doors for the
windows so it gets lots of light.

I have decorated for Christmas in several
different ways but this remains one of
my top two favorites.

I painted these old vintage skates
grey with a wash of brown to give
them an aged look.

The bed is ready and
a snack awaits.

The outside of the Boathouse.

Wishing for some of that snow
soon.....I do love a white Christmas.

This is another Christmas card
that I thought you might like....
just a way of including a 
photo that I enjoy and
hope you do too.

The above is The Gardener's
Cottage in our garden taken
on a beautiful winter day.

Thank you for visiting!

Take good care,


Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Baking and Decor

     Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely
weekend. We had a quiet
   one as we have been restricted
a bit more because of a few
   cases of covid 19 that seemed to
   be our first community spread.
        Happy yo say we had no new cases
for the last couple of days.

    Anyway, today was a good day
to do a little  baking.

The Irish Soda bread didn't
make it to Christmas as 
we  tore into it when it
was hot out of the oven!

My family prefer sticky date 
pudding over plum pudding
so I made a small one today
but I will make a couple
mre later this week
and freeze them for

This old rusty oil lamp
was a yard sale treasure
a few years ago.

I changed my plaids from red to
blue this time.

We have had our tree up
in the dining area of our
kitchen for a week or so
now and I do love it !

I thought about putting it
in our bedroom this year
but in the end I thought we
would enjoy it more in the
kitchen ....makes baking
days so pretty.

I must take some  photos of my
red and white transferware dishes
in the kitchen shortly to share
with you! 

Thank you for your visit and to
all who leave nice comments
for me.

Take care,



Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Winter Day by our Pond

                Hello everyone,

            I am back with a walk around our pond.

             Yesterday, I took a walk around our pond
                early in the morning as it was a lovely calm
      morning with just a dusting of snow.

I love when there is a nice reflection
in the pond.

Our little Boathouse

A walk through the pathway
by the pond. The trees have
really grown.

I hope you enjoyed a stroll
around the pond with me

Thanks for visiting!


Thursday, December 10, 2020

         Hello everyone,

We have a bit of winter white going
on here both inside and out as we
have a dusting of snow outdoors
with a few flurries coming down.

So I am in the sunroom again
today with some warm winter

Two of my smaller white
teapots are on display on
this pretty 2 tiered stand.
The stand came from TJMAXX
several years ago .

One side of the sunroom  

I added a couple of small real trees
from my walk this morning from
a spot that needed to be thinned out.

A cosy corner


This is beautiful Mahone Bay N.S from
an early December vacation a few
years ago when on our last day
I was thrilled to have had a
beautiful snowfall overnight
and then a calm morning.

I think this would make a
great Christmas card for

Thank you for visiting
and please stay safe. It
looks like there is light
at the end of the tunnel
with this pandemic.....
a blessing indeed.!!!



Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Winter White Sunroom Tea

                                                            Hello everyone,
                                                  I hope you will enjoy a winter
                                                  white tea in the sun room today.

                                                  We had a slight dusting of snow
                                                   on the ground when I woke up this
                                                   morning but alas it didn't last long.

                                                   However, it was enough to put me
                                                    in the mood for a winter white tea.

                                                             A cosy corner in the
                                                             our little sun room.

I have my tray all set up
for tea.

I made a couple of batches
of sugar cookies lately but
they didn't last long.

This is a small teapot but it holds
enough for two.

The tea today is orange

Some mercury glass

You know how I love 
making collages.

My amaryllis is blooming
early this year and I love
the little white houses.



We have had a few new cases of covid 19
on the Island so we  have sticker rules in
place for the next two weeks limiting
family gatherings etc so I am hoping
that we can get it under control again
before there were
no new cases so I am hopeful!

How are things with you? How is
Christmas shaping up?

Take good care and thanks for stopping by
I am happy you can still visit me here
and you don't even have to wear at mask!
