Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Beauty of Autumn

Hello everyone,

It was another beautiful autumn day here
and I enjoyed spending some time outdoors.
But the evenings are usually a little cool
so it is nice to have the fireplace on
and as I listen to music I enjoyed making
some autumn collages with some new pics and
some favorite old ones 

The above shots were taken in Eastern P.E.I.

An autumn tea from a few yaers ago
on our screened porch.

I love the golden color of freshly
baled straw.
The top photo was taken at
our cottage.

Autumn beauty


                                                      Our pond and fall color in the garden.

                                              Last evening we went for a country drive
                                              to enjoy the evening light.
                                               An Autumn tea 

                                    Thank you to all who left lovely comments
                                    for me on my last post......it is always nice to
                                    hear from you!

                                                              Take care,



  1. Spettacolo gratuito.
    Colori meravigliosi
    Caldo tepore autunnale
    Tutto meraviglioso.

  2. Your posts always have a lovely additional benefit. You provide a feeling of peace and wellbeing. Someday I will trek up the east coast to PEI.

    Karen in NC USA

  3. Absolutely lovely images, as always. I subscribed to your blog here when I found that so many of the images I loved on Pinterest were from here. Thank you for giving a bit of grace and beauty back to the world when it is so desperately needed. P.E.I. seems like a bit of heaven on earth, as my own Indiana, USA, is to our family as well. Tracy

  4. I don't see where to contact you directly so am writing here. I've followed you for years and absolutely LOVE your blog and stunning images of your gorgeous home! However, please eliminate the ads in the middle of your beautiful photos as I was just shocked to see an enormous 8x10 inch zoom in detail of disgusting earwax on a cloth!!! PLEASE eliminate the ads...or certainly remove them in the middle of your posts!! It's such a jolt to see that while enjoying your otherwise stunning blog. Best wishes, Jeanne

  5. I am so happy to read your posts! Your photos are lovely. I have trouble making time to share my stories as well but if you can make time so can I! One day I hope to travel to PEI to visit your beautiful gardens.

  6. Thank you for your beautiful autumn posts. I love visiting your blog!

  7. รˆ stato un piacere vedere i post con le bellissime fotografie e sapere che state tutti bene. Buonanotte ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

  8. Carolyn, I love your new collages! I LOVE making collages of my photos.. it's just so relaxing and satisfying.. and I never tire of looking at them over and over again.. as I never tire of yours. Your photos of the red leaves are stunning, and I love the ones with the cozy peach, orange and green afghan with the teacups.. now if that is not Autumn serenity, I don't know what is! As always, love your post and wish I could visit there, but it's so far away from where I live. The beauty there is just phenomenal! Marilyn

  9. รจ sempre una gioia per gli occhi, passare da te!!!! Un abbraccio lory

  10. Beautiful autumn Carolyn.......love it......enjoy stay safe love Ria ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ๐Ÿงก๐ŸŒฝ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸŒป๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ€


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
