Friday, October 16, 2020

Aqua Blues at Eventide Cottage

Hello everyone,

You probably weren't  expecting me
back so soon as I have been very
negligent all summer and early fall
but we have finally got some of
our big projects done and are
now focused on our home
once again.

We are hving beautiful weather here
still and I hope to get some outdoor
painting done before it is too cold.

The photo above was taken at Eventide
Cottage. My husband built the little
breakfast bar and I painted up some
cute stools that were stored in our barn.
I don't know what I would do without
our barn to store all my junky treasures!

I have been collecting some aqua
china for the cottage.

A new mat from Homesense and
a cute basket that matches.

It is definitely an aqua and
white theme at Eventide.

Love making collages!

                                                                A peaceful morning shot
                                                                from the cottage of a fishing

                                                               Well, I better get back to work
                                                               before my husband puts out a
                                                               missing persons bulletin. I herar
                                                               the chainsaw going so an old apple
                                                               tree that was falling down must have
                                                               hit the dust!

                                                                          Thank you for visiting and
                                                                       for your kind words.......always
                                                                       good to hear from you!

                                                                                     Take care,

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Beauty of Autumn

Hello everyone,

It was another beautiful autumn day here
and I enjoyed spending some time outdoors.
But the evenings are usually a little cool
so it is nice to have the fireplace on
and as I listen to music I enjoyed making
some autumn collages with some new pics and
some favorite old ones 

The above shots were taken in Eastern P.E.I.

An autumn tea from a few yaers ago
on our screened porch.

I love the golden color of freshly
baled straw.
The top photo was taken at
our cottage.

Autumn beauty


                                                      Our pond and fall color in the garden.

                                              Last evening we went for a country drive
                                              to enjoy the evening light.
                                               An Autumn tea 

                                    Thank you to all who left lovely comments
                                    for me on my last is always nice to
                                    hear from you!

                                                              Take care,


Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone,

It has been such a long time since
I have posted here that I am sure
many of you gave up on me.

It just seems that there is always
something on the go and once I
get out of the habit it is harder
to take the time to blog.
I am thinking that as the weather
turns colder I will hopefully
get back into blogging on a
more regular basis.

Anyway, I would like to wish
a Happy Thanksgiving to all
my Canadian friends today.

A fall tablescape from a few years ago
set by the our pond.

Autumn in our terrace.
These transferware dishes
are made in Japan and have
an autumn look to them.

The leaves are turning here but not at
there peak yet. I always enjoy going for
drives on country roads here when
the fall foliage is at it's best.

                                                              Apple cider is a favorite fall drink.

The cozy colors of autumn.

                                                                           I hope you are all doing well and
                                                                           I plan to be back here soon. 

                                                                                  Thank you for visiting!
                                                                                                  Take care,