Monday, July 6, 2020

Pretty Pink Peonies

            Hello everyone,

               I hope you are all doing well.

         I am sorry that time got  from
                        me once again and it has been a month
since I posted .     

           Summer always seems to go
               so quickly and there is so much
to do.

            We have had  very dry June which
           was great for cottage/beach days
          but not so much for gardens and
               crops but we did get a couple of
rainy days lately .

          Anyway ,peony season is here
       and I have enjoyed picking
bouquets for indoors.



A little bouquet at Eventide Cottage.

These peonies are Sarah Bernhart and
it will always be one of my favorites.

A shot from last year of  Do Tell
peonies....another favorite.

                                                                       Love this little gift bag!

                                                                     I also love aqua and pink together.

                                                                              Tea time

                                                          I have lots more photos to share when
                                                          time allows.
                                                          This week we have family staying at
                                                         Eventide Cottage which is always fun.

                                                         I guess I should mention that to those
                                                          of you who expressed an interest in
                                                          staying at Eventide Cottage this summer
                                                          it will still be available  if travel is allowed.
                                                          Because of covid 19 it was not listed on
                                                          Air B&B as planned but hopefully more
                                                          of the country will  be able to safely open
                                                          up soon. As of last Friday we can travel to
                                                          other Atlantic provinces but not the rest
                                                           of Canada yet. The border between Canada
                                                          and the US will likely remain closed for awhile.
                                                           So, to all of you who expressed an interest in
                                                           renting Eventide Cottage hopefully someday soon!

                                                           I hope things are going well in your area and
                                                           you all remain safe.

                                                                                    Take care,




  1. Your flowers are exquisite! Hopefully in the future when we can corral Covid we'll be able to see Eventide. Enjoy your summer and stay safe!

  2. Hi Sandi,

    I hope that will happen soon as I look forward to meeting you!
    Stay safe,

  3. No one does garden flowers like you do, dear Carolyn. Your peonies are exquisite! I am afraid I need to transplant mine - our trees have grown so high that now my peony is just not getting enough sun. Each year I have less and less blooms - and with our wacky weather I got 4 puny blooms. Sigh.

    So sorry about Covid and how it is affecting your business. The whole thing makes me so sad.

    May you continue to stay safe and healthy - and I am praying for this to pass soon.


  4. Hi Michele,
    Thank you for your lovely comment. Hopefully, covid will pass soon and I hope the economy will recover soon as well.
    Hope you stay safe and healthy as well.
    Take care,

  5. Oh beautiful pictures Carolyn!! I love your garden! I have Sarah Bernhardt peony in my garden too and a Lady Alex and the generous bees helped to produced a pretty cross of pink and creamy white which I named "Gentle Ellie" after my granddaughter. Gardening has been my safe haven during all this World turmoil. Stay safe! We are still thinking about Eventide Cottage.

  6. Your peonies are gorgeous, such a lovely soft shade of pink. I am missing my peonies as they went by last week: the difference between Maine and PEI. Take lots and lots of pictures.

  7. Your peonies are just wonderful! I have two plants but I usually only get one bloom each year! What is the secret for having them bloom? Mine may not have enough sun as they are shaded quite abit. Maybe you could do a blog post on your peony secrets! Mine are pink too.. or should I say "my one blossom each year" is pink! Some bug loves the leaves and chews them to pieces too. So sad. I can live through YOUR peonies though! I think my new fave combination is now aqua and pink..... was pink and green but the aqua is so soothing.

  8. Your peonies are wonderful!!!!!! kiss Lory


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
