Friday, June 5, 2020

Tulip Love

Hello everyone,

The beautiful month of June has
arrived and I love how fresh and
lush and green everything is here.

I am enjoying all the tulips in the
garden but wanted to pick a pretty
bouquet to enjoy indoors.

                                                                          This is the first year that I grew these
                                                                          big,bold dark pink and white parrot

I wanted to add some fresh flowers
in the Boathouse.

I made the pillows on the bed in
the Boathouse.

A simple mason jar makes a
perfect vase for my garden tulips.

I freshened up the Boathouse for
the summer season. It is a charming
little retreat when the garden chores
are done for the day!

I hope you are all doing well and 
enjoying some peace and beauty
during these troubled times.

Take care,



  1. Hi Carolyn,
    The tulips are EXQUISITE!
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  2. The tulips are so beautiful. Your cottage is the perfect place to retreat - restful and inviting. These are indeed troubled times and every now and then it is necessary to step away just for a brief break from all of the news. In no way do I mean to diminish the seriousness of events here in the United States, but your lovely blog gives me a respite from these sad times.

  3. Those tulips are beautiful.. and love your new boathouse pillows and the red and white stripes. Glad you are having nice weather there. We have been cloudy and gray here in central Oregon, though had a week or so of hot weather a couple of weeks ago. Everything was looking good until the bugs started taking over our flowers and have been chewing them up.. so now I'm pretty bummed about our yard. It was looking so pretty for awhile. How do you keep garden pests, spider mites and those darned moths away from chewing up everything? I wish I knew. I've tried so many things! Have a good weekend!

  4. Do you have a floor plan or drawing of the boathouse it’s driving me crazy where is the bathroom and kitchen in relation to everything else

  5. Your tulips are gorgeous, and I love the light you photographed them in... just beautiful! How lovely to have the boathouse to retire to, after the day's chores are done, such a place of beauty and quiet rest! Your pictures are always so lovely, charming, and full of delight. Many blessings to you!

  6. Hi Unknown,
    Our little Boathouse is just a small building down by our pond and a short distance to our home with no kitchen or bathroom. It is a peaceful little escape but alas a walk to the house is necessary for kitchen and bathroom privileges.
    Take care,


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
