Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Time for Tea

      Hello everyone,

It has been sunny here the past
few days and most of our snow
is gone now so I am happy to
say garden season has arrived
here in our garden.
The last couple of days I have
been pruning our clematis and
some hydrangeas. Also, we are
cleaning up our yard from all the
winter debree 

I have also cleaned up the Boathouse
so it is a cozy escape from all that
is going on.

I find that we really need our tea breaks now
to give our bodies a little rest. It seems the 
days of 8 to 10 hours of garden work in
a day may be passed! 

         My newest teacup

Homemade biscuits  are
a lovely tea time treat.

Easter is rapidly approaching and it will
be very different here this year as we
are all social isolating this year.
Instead of having all our family here
it will be just the two of us.
However, we all understand
the importance of staying safe
at home this year.

         I wanted to end with a pretty spring bouquet
        and this one has special memories for me as
it sits on our little English cottage window in
Chipping Camden  |....Twine Cottage.
that we stayed in on our trip to
England several years ago.

We have some crocus blooming now
in our garden so I know there will
be lots to follow soon.

I am thankful that we can get
out into the garden again and
forget about all that is going
on in the world for awhile.

Take good care,



  1. What a beautiful series of photos you have taken!

  2. Those biscuits look so delicious. Could you possibly share the recipe? The flowers speak of hope - lovely.

  3. Good morning Carolyn, Thank you again for your exquisite photos!! They are truly breath taking and provide a beautiful visual respite from the World's troubles. Happy Easter and please stay safe. P.S. Who is the manufacturer of your gorgeous "frilled lace" and roses teapot?? xo

  4. This is so lovely, Carolyn! Your aqua blue dinnerware is the prettiest I've seen! Mr. Rabbit is adorable.
    The snow in our back yard is still at over 5 feet in depth! And there is a mountain of it on the front lawn, too. I am growing more impatient with it each day & feel as though we will miss spring in the garden altogether this year. SIGH I'm glad to see the Tangled Garden jelly bottle nearly empty! LOL Hoppy Easter to you all! XOXOXO
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. Thanks for the tea break! Very pretty! :-)

  6. Can you please tell me what the china pattern is in the first photograph? It is so pretty.

  7. Another darling bunny! So glad things are starting to come up in your garden. I find I am happiest either in the garden or baking in the kitchen these days. And I am enjoying having my two high school seniors home with me. A sweet present for this last part of their high school careers. (If it wasn't for virus fears, life would be about perfect!) Keep posting! Love from Barbara in Southern California

  8. I am glad you are able to get out and work in the gardens. That is always such a good feeling. It will be so nice to have flowers again. Nothing here yet but I see a few things peeking up through the (finally thawed) dirt! Give it another month and we may seem some blooms here around town! As always, LOVE all of your beautiful china and foods! Marilyn


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
