Friday, April 3, 2020

Cheerful Yellow

Hello everyone,

I am hoping to spread a little
bit of cheerful yellow here

I think we all need a break
from the grim news we keep hearing.

I am so looking forward to some
color in our garden.

I see new growth everyday in
the garden and while the
daffodils are poking up
it will be a few weeks
before we have a big display.

A sunny yellow porch

Barrels of pretty tulips

A cheerful quilt and some
spring daffodils.

A coffecake with a pretty

A little yellow teacup
with a beautiful rose.

My yellow bird magnolia

Love the little yellow finches in
the garden.

Antique china with a beautiful
bouquet of yellow roses from
our garden.

The snow is going here and the birds
are returning to the garden. I can't wait
to get out to the garden and start getting
it  ready for the season once again. 

Thank you for visitng and please
take care!



  1. I love all your yellow - my favorite color. Our house is Victorian Queen Anne which we built in 2003. Many of the rooms inside are yellow too.

  2. That's right! The yellow color is beautiful at this time of year. I wish you health.

  3. Hi carolyn

    Thank you for picking our spirits up during this difficult time. Watching your gardens come alive brings such joy. Our daffodils have come and gone but the peonies are beginning to pop up with promise of a gorgeous show around Mother’s Day. Thank you for the link showing the evolution of your garden from the beginning. I have often wondered what it looked like before you began and how you planned it all out. You have really created a garden of eden. Thank you for sharing your journey with us . I look forward to every one of your posts. When I see the link I go make a cup of tea before opening up your post. I love experiencing your blog with all of my senses. I am not sure you will ever know what you mean to so many of us.

    Not sure I have told you but my husband has not been in good health for quite a while. To further complicate things in December he fell backwards down an entire flight of 16 stairs. At 93 it should have been a death sentence but by the grace of God he did
    Not even break a bone but did tear his leg up badly. He is on the mend but being a total caregiver at my age has been very stressful . I share this with you to let you know how very much you mean to me. You have been my ray of sunshine in some difficult days. I am sure you have meant the same to many other people.
    Please stay well
    much Love

  4. Dear Carolyn,
    I so enjoy your beautiful blog ! Thank you so very much for sharing all your beauty with all of us particularly now during this incredibly difficult time!!

  5. Ahh Thank-you for the breath of sunshine and cheery Yellows.. So pretty..Bless you!Blessings..Melissa

  6. Oh that yellow just makes me feel good.. it's so wonderful.. love the yellow chair in the garden, the yellow quilt "tablecloth" and the china with yellow. I don't often see yellow china and teacups.. and the roses are stunning! Thank you for a little bit of "bright" right now! Marilyn

  7. Beautiful are your yellow photos that you have taken!

  8. Beautiful way to begin the day on a positive gorgeous yellow Sunday!!
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. Hi Ann,
    I am so sorry to hear about your husbands fall. It must be very hard for both of you.

    Thank you for your kind is encouragement like that, that keeps me blogging!
    Love and prayers to you both,

    Thanks everyone for your visit and nice comments.

  10. Such happy spring pictures! Thank you!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
