Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Touch of Romance

       Happy weekend!

             I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's
Day yesterday.
         My husband and I decided to take a
     little trip to Nova Scotia for a few
 days so I am a little behind here
on my blog.....again!

Anyway, it was nice to get away
but nice also to be back home.

I love this romantic tea set with
dainty rosebuds on it.

                                                           A beautiful big bouquet of
                                                            tulips is so cheerful at any
                                                             time of the year but especially
                                                             appreciated in winter ...for me at least.

A romantic tea time from from
several years ago.

Soft and romantic.

I love the heart shaped plate that
matches the teapot below.

A bouquet for you before you go!

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Oh it's all so romantic and lovely! I love all the white and creams, with little touches of pink. LOVE your new header too! Tulips are so pretty. I've never planted any as always forget I need to plant them in the Fall! Same with daffodils. We have one "wild" tulip that comes up in our yard each year which is yellow. Glad you got away for a few days... always makes it that much nicer to come home again! Marilyn


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
