Monday, February 3, 2020

A Romantic Afternoon Tea

    Welcome Tea Friends

     It is nice to welcome in February,
   a month with romance.

This is one of my favorite
teapots.....perfect for
a Valentine's Day Tea.

Some pretty vintage teacups

                                      A few pearls and a pretty faux
                                                     bouquet adds to the romantic charm..

                                                   Valentine's Day is getting close ...
                                                            do you have any plans to celebrate
                                                              the day?

                                                                      I am off to do some decidedly
                                                                  unromantic work in my daughter's
                                                                  basement as we are helping her with
                                                                  a reno project.....looking forward to
                                                                  seeing the improvements though.

                                                                     Thanks for the lovely comments
                                                                     on my last post.....Lila and I enjoyed
                                                                                 Thanks for visiting,


  1. You do take such pretty pictures. This Afternoon Tea is lovely.
    Time to take a break and enjoy this day,

  2. This is lovely! I'm sharing a Valentine tea this week as well. February is a perfect month!
    Happy February!

  3. I know I've said this before, but it's bears repeating. I SO love your blog! It's such a joy to read and view your beautiful photos. Thank you for giving so much beauty to the world.

  4. Hi Carolyn!

    Lovely as always! Have a nice day!

    Much love,


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
