Friday, October 18, 2019

Autumn on the Island

                                                           Hello everyone,

                                                 I hope you had a good week.We are
                                                 our beautiful autumn foliage colors
                                                 here on the Island.
                                                    So, my husband and I took a few
                                                 afternoon drives in the country to
                                                 enjoy the beauty of the Island in all
                                                 it's autumn splendor.
One beautiful afternoon we took
a drive down east. This shot was
taken in Montague.

Knox's Dam is always a beautiful
place to go in any season
but especially fall and winter
after a fresh snowfall.
I love how the house blends so well
with the beautiful surroundings.

It was a beautiful sunny and calm day.

I have more photos to share
of other areas that we enjoyed
but hopefully another day.

Hope you are enjoying the beauty
of nature in your area as well.

We have started our fall garden
cleanup so another season in
the garden is coming to a close.

Have a lovely weekend!



  1. We don't get much fall color til later in November, so it's especially nice to enjoy seeing yours!

  2. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous Fall. Our Fall colors are not as spectacular as yours and I so enjoyed your pics.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook.

  3. Dearest Carolyn,
    Glad you could escape a few afternoons for indulging in those fabulous autumn views with the best colors right now!
    Happy weekend and hugs,

  4. Oh my, What beautiful pictures! How can you even think about going inside on days like this?

  5. So lovely, thank you Carolyn! We don't get much fall here in Southern California. It's the season I miss most! I look forward to more pictures of your beautiful season.

  6. Fall is my favourite time of year. Even when we visited a few weeks ago, the golds & reds had already started to appear. No matter the time of year, your island is always spectacular. GORGEOUS photos. XO
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas


  7. You have beautiful autumn in the garden.

  8. Wow! So gorgeous. I would love to see it in person sometime.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
