Saturday, September 7, 2019

Summer Cottage Tea

                                                             Hello everyone,

                                             Last week I took these photos on a beautiful
                                             summery day but as I am posting these it is
                                            a very different story as we are expecting to
                                            be hit by Hurricane Dorian shortly.

Shades of aqua give a beachy vibe and indeed
we are a stones throw from the beach as we
are here at Eventide Cottage for our tea time.

Hoping we have more of these summer cottage
teas before Fall sets in.

                                              We are hoping and praying that the storm
                                               doesn't cause much damage here but we
                                               have been busy taking all garden furniture,
                                               statues etc. in and stocking up on water and food.

                                                 I am noticing that our powere has flickered a
                                                few times as I write so I expect many of us will
                                                lose power as the storm hits in earnest.It is raining
                                                 and windy here so the storm is getting closer and
                                                 I have just heard that 200,000 people in Nova
                                                 Scotia have already lost power and the storm has
                                                 been upgraded to a Category 2.

                                                   Here on Prince Edward Island we usually only
                                                 get the tail end of a storm that doesn't do much
                                                  if any damage but this time the prediction is
                                                   more ominous so we are hunkering down
                                                  and praying it doesn't do too much harm in the
                                                  Maritime provinces.

                                                                   Hope and pray everyone stays safe!

                                                                                             Take care,


  1. Please stay safe. I will keep you in my prayers.

  2. Golly, once it got moving, it has moved quickly. Glad that you are prepared and I pray that it moves quickly through and out of the way. Stay safe. What a difference a week makes...

  3. Praying for you that you and your areas that you don't get much damage. We were evacuated for Dorian this week, but thankfully are back home at our NC cottage today. A downed tree and a leaky bedroom roof will require some attention, but our neighbors to the north have suffered worse with flooding. God Bless.

  4. It's really beautiful and looks so inviting and relaxing. We are keeping you in our thoughts, Carolyn, & praying you and your family and, indeed, everyone stays safe with no damage to property.
    Linda and Midge
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. I've been thinking of you and hoping that you and yours are all safe and sound! Hope that your sheltered garden can ride it out. (And, that's a beautiful blue enamelware teapot).
    Hope you're back to beautiful fall weather soon,

  6. Hope you fared well through Dorian, Carolyn! We didn't have any damage nor did we lose our lights. But my son came over for hot coffee and muffins this morning because they had lost their power. Take care!

  7. I hope you don't/didn't get hit too hard? I don't hardly ever watch the news so didn't realized it had moved so far north. Your aqua blues are just gorgeous for your tea time. My how fast can the weather change? It sure can surprise us sometimes. Hugs... Marilyn

  8. Holding you in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully it will pull away from you.


  9. Hope your area did not sustain too much damage. Love the blue color and hoping that you will enjoy a few more sunny weather.

  10. How are you Carolyn? Let us know!

  11. Thank you everyone for your caring thankful we had no damage here and just a couple of days without power. The weather is beautiful here today!
    Take care,

  12. I am so happy that you did not receive any damage from Dorian. I have loved your blog for many years and consider you a dear friend. Blessings to you and your family.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
