Monday, September 9, 2019

All Well at Aiken House & Gardens

Hello everyone,

I am happy to say that we came through the storm
with  no damage to either our home or garden
and  the little cottages were  unscathed as well.

We did lose power though for a couple
of days and there are some onthe
Island that still have no powere as
some areas had a number of big trees
come down on the power lines.

it is peaceful here now,thankfully.

       So, all that being said there was a lot of damage
                done especially in Nova Scotia and other parts of the
Atlantic provinces as well So there will be a
lot of cleanup to be done over the next few
          weeks . However, when we see all the devastation
                   in the Bahamas that Hurricane Dorian caused we know
we were very fortunate.
Ocean Song Cottage

                      I am happy that even the garden was unscathed.

                                                        Thank you to all of you that expressed concern
                                                                    for us during the storm.

                                                                                    I have to say it is great to have our
                                                                                    power back  ......we sure do rely on
                                                                                     it for so many things!

                                                                                    Hope you  have a great week!



  1. so glad to hear from you Carolyn, I was thinking you were probably in the path. Glad you are untouched by the storm, but still without power for a couple of days is a scary situation!

  2. Very glad to know that all is well. That is one storm that hung on way too long.

  3. I am so glad your beautiful home, cottage and gardens were spared. This was definitely a storm for the record books. Living in Virginia near the coast, we, too, did not suffer any major damage. Prayers for all who were affected by this devastating storm. As always, I enjoy your posts . - so lovely.

  4. Good Morning, Carolyn!

    All looks serene there at this time...We were so worried for you and yours, and for our family in Cape Breton and Virginia Beach who were also in Dorian's path. A rogue wave measuring 30 metres in height was reported off our coast of Newfoundland! It was a powerful storm and we are thankful that everyone we love is safe and are so sorry for those who have suffered through this weather event.

    On a much happier note, Midge and I can't wait to see you and Andrew! Counting down the days...YAYYY!

    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. Glad to hear that everything is just fine with your little houses, the cottage, the big house and gardens!

  6. What a lovely pictures and so glad to hear about the minimal damage. It was scary for our area too as the eye of the storm was only 25 miles of the SC coast, yikes. Just like you, I feel the tranquility after a storm and very grateful for another sunny day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos, love your garden and the color of the flowers are amazing.

  7. Oh Carolyn, what a relief it was to read your post and see your lovely photos. I prayed for you and your family during Hurricane Dorian. All of my prayers, along with hundreds of others, I am sure, were answered for you. I thought of those gorgeous gardens and prayed they would be spared and they were. Have a wonderful rest of the week. Susan

  8. So glad you did not experience major damage. Can you tell me what kind of purple clematis is blooming. Spectacular!

  9. Thanks everyone.... I feel blessed to have had your concern and prayers!

    Hi Puggirl,
    The beautiful purple clematis is Jackmanni of my favorites for sure!

    Linda, We are looking forward to seeing you and Midge as well!

    Thanks again!

  10. So glad to heard all is safe and sound and undamaged. Would have hated to see your gardens torn to pieces. I feel so awful that so much damage was done in other areas. Those storms are just horrible.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
