Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Open Garden Tour Day

     Hello everyone,

With the sunny warm weather we have been having
the garden has been going by leaps and bounds.
I took these photos in the garden almost a week
ago now and already there are lots of

There are lots of peony blossoms as we have over 50 peonies in
the garden many of them are very mature and some are new varieties...
hard to resist new peonies.

The Preston lilacs are blooming in the background.

The lilacs are so beautiful this year.

                                                                   Roses, peonies and hardy geraniums are so pretty together.

The iris also bloomed well this year......the garden enjoyed the
wet spring we had and now all the sunshine.

Lilacs and roses......two of my favorite plants.

  Garden Tour Day

So this is another reminder that our garden is open to all who would like to
come for a tour this Sunday afternoon July 14  between 2 and 4.
Our address is 67 Mill Rd. Warren Grove and please park on the side
of the  road.

Hope to see you there!



  1. Everything looks so lovely!! :) Kit

  2. Just lovely Carolyn! I so wish I could attend your garden tour, but alas you're too far from Cape Cod! BUT, if you ever have a house tour I'll be there! Enjoy your hard work!

  3. Oh I wish I lived close enough to tour your wonderfully enchanting and amazing gardens! I'm in awe every time you post photos and can only enjoy it through your blog.. so THANK YOU for sharing! Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. All ready for guests and so beautiful! How wonderful!

  5. A gorgeous pink - purple symphony. Your garden is wonderful. Love your photos and your flowers. Greetings from Poland. Anita


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
