Monday, July 1, 2019

Beauty by the Pond

             Happy Canada Day!

I am just popping in to wish my fellow Canadians a Happy Canada Day
and share a little pondside beauty.

The irises are in full bloom around the pond now and I am enjoying there bright splash of

                                          I took a few shots of the garden as I walked around it but will share                             more shortly as there is lots of  more to see.  All the peonies are starting to pop now!

                                                                   Take care,



  1. Dear Carolyn,
    I have been watching you for a long time and nice little is said! The pond and the surroundings are superb. The summer, the green and your various flowers and the white blanket of winter are magical there.
    Sincerely, you and your country, Mia

  2. Gorgeous!

    Happy Canada Day. :)

  3. Oh my gosh Carolyn! I love all the color... the collage is beautiful and love those peach colored Irises!.... and the yellow ones too. I just bought one single golden yellow Iris and already looking forward to it blooming next year! Your gardens are so outstanding.. nothing can compare to them. What a Heavenly place to live! Marilyn

  4. Beautiful!
    Hope you had a happy Canada day!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
