Friday, February 22, 2019

The Beauty of Winter

                                                               Hello everyone,

                                               Yesterday it snowed pretty much all
                                                day and created a beautiful winter
                                                wonderland. The sun was shining
                                               on the sparking white snow and the
                                                trees had a lovely white coat as well.
                                               So, I was happy to grab my camera
                                                and get out to enjoy the beauty.
                                                  I brought out a warm throw and
                                               a few pillows for the old hammock
                                               in the garden in case you wanted to
                                               take a few moments to relax and enjoy
                                               the beauty of winter.

                                                      I love when we get snow and no
                                                      wind so all the tress are covered.

                                                        Our little Boathouse in winter

                                                 The snow was gently falling from the
                                                  tree where I was standing giving a
                                                  little snowy effect.

                                        This shot was taken in early winter but
                                                 it is one of my favorites so I included
                                                 it again.

                                                  I hope you have a wonderful weekend
                                                  and thanks for visiting me on this beautiful
                                                  winter day here on Prince Edward Island.

                                                                                Take care.


  1. Dear Carolyn,
    A great winter day is for you. Indeed, you have surprised the wonder of winter, even if we are nearing the end of February.
    The blue of the sky and the shimmering of snow in the sun make a duet of story.
    Warm hugs, Mia

  2. I love your photos, especially this taken in winter. In Poland we have almost spring time!
    Send you my greetings

  3. Wonderful winter photoes.
    Send you my warm greetings

  4. Hello Carolyn!
    During winter we seem to have the same climate but I think your summers are warmer than here north of Oslo, Norway. You have a lot of interesting and beautiful garden features which make the pics so attractive.
    Greetings for your week end.

  5. Your photos of the snow are simply gorgeous. We have had nothing but rain this year and it is creating flooding for many people. I am enjoying the beauty of your photos without having to shovel!!

    much love

  6. I too love the snow laying gently on the trees.. it looks so magical and like another world. Your photos are gorgeous and I love your photo collages. Your boathouse cottage is just so charming.. I never get tired of seeing it in all the different seasons! Hugs.. Marilyn

  7. Carolyn,
    No matter the season, your garden is a thing of beauty. Love the look of the snow on the trees and the cute little boathouse decked out with snow. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden and photographs with us. Love it! I would love to relax in that hammock and enjoy the beauty of the season! We had a snowy day in Ontario today!
    Pauline H.

  8. Ahhh...the peacefulness of fallen snow! Beautiful photos! During the winter months on a nice day we walk the beach here in Delaware. Yesterday was one of those days.

  9. Truly a beautiful winter wonderland. I LOVE your hammock in the snow...that is not a sight you see everyday! I always enjoy my beautiful visits here! xo rachel

  10. Obviously, you do not need to publish this comment. My blog is now on wordpress, but for some reason, it still directs my comment from my previous blogger blog. I don't know if this matters or not. I hope you received my comment. You are a delight!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
