Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Pink Afternoon Tea

            Hello everyone,

          It has been another cold week here
       so I am starting to look forward
         to the end of this cold old winter.
         However, a nice cup of tea in the
         sunroom is always a treat as I can
       enjoy the beauty from indoors.

      A pretty tea set always
brings cheer.

A bouquet of tulips

Vintage teacups are ready
for tea.

                                                         The sunroom has a stack
                                                          pink and white china on

  Hope you are having a good week and
thank you for visiting!



  1. Good morning! It is 4:29am here in Arkansas. I'm fighting a rotten cold - and I might be losing the battle. We don't get the beautiful snow here that you get on Prince Edward Island. But, gracious, have we gotten the rain! Your idea of a cup of tea in the sunroom is lovely. I'll be having mine out on our sleeping porch, all bundled up in a quilt! We just have to get a breath of fresh air now and then, don't we? Between sneezes, I find your blog that breath of fresh air much needed. Thank you so much!

  2. Like Claire, I'm up early this morning at 5:30 a.m..... way before I usually get up! Am fighting an upset tummy and could use a cup of tea right now! Your pink and white sunroom is SO inviting.. I can imagine sitting there all cuddled up in a quilt, gazing outside at the snow, drinking a nice warm cup of tea, and of course, enjoying some cookies or biscuits! You have cheered me up this morning! Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. Hello Carolyn. I love your pink tea set. Pink is my very favorite color. We are having a cold winter in western Massachusetts, too. Let's hang in there til the first flower pops up from the snow! Susan

  4. Your sunroom is just lovely - and my favorite colour is pink. :)
    I love this tea set. Would you mind sharing the name of it?

  5. Hi Clare and Marilyn,
    I hope you both feel better....drink lots of tea!

    Thank you Susan for your visit....hope you get an early spring this year.

    Thank you Gigi for your visit and comment....there are no markings at all on the teapot though so sorry I can't help.



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
