Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Little Touch of Fall

      Happy weekend!

I realize that I am way behind almost
everyone else when it comes to fall
So the most I have done is a fall mantel
in the library and picked several big
bouquets of hydrangeas  to put around
the house as I knew frost was coming.
Sure enough the next day they had
all turned brown from a very heavy 
frost. Hoping some will dry nicely
so I can enjoy them all winter.

          I can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving here
in Canada.

Guess I better hurry up and get some
more fall decor or it will be time
to decorate for Christmas which
is my favorite season to decorate
our home for.

                                                                    Well, I do have a white pumpkin out
                                                                     and I am ready for tea! Ha!
                                                                     I changed my white chairs for these
                                                                     french styled ones......just because
                                                                     my Mom always said" a little change
                                                                     is as good as a rest".
                                                    An old tranferware pitcher sits on a cabinet
                                                               in the porch with another big bouquet
                                                               of hydrangea to welcome you as you
                                                               come in the door.

                                                                            Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Friday, September 28, 2018

Linens and Things

Hello everyone,

I am back again on this rather grey day to
share a little photo shoot I did the other
day when I had some free time to play
with my camera.

I love the turkish towels that
they have at Homesence and
this one fit right in with the
color scheme here at Ocean
Song Cottage.
The baskets were a gift from
a friend and are perfect for
displaying more linens.

A pretty stack of linens.

This  towel was a thrift find that
might one day make a couple
of pretty pillows. The little
fish add some coastal charm.

Pretty napkins

Tea time

A pretty display sitting on the
old drop leaf table that I painted
white for the cottage.
It is perfect for a small space.

Oh, and one more thing I wanted to
show latest dish find.
I got these at the 70 mile coastal
yard sale and although I told
myself not to even look at dishes
my heart did a little flutter when
I spotted these lovely tranferware
dishes in a box. so they were my
            treat of the day and came home with me.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Take care,


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blue and White Coastal Tea

Hello everyone,

I am going to guess you didn't expect me
to be back so soon as I have been negligent
for awhile now about posting.
I am using an iphone for these photos and
have found it so much easier to post with it.
Not sure if the quality is as good  but it seems
ok to me.

I was planning to have friends for tea this
afternoon but it was a wild and wet day here
so I postponed to next week.
Yesterday I set the table for it and yes
I am still somewhat summery here but
maybe by next week I will be in a
fall mood.
Since shades of blue and white are
my theme here at the cottage it was
easy to go with that theme for tea time.
Some antique china

                                                      I love the enamalware tea set that I got
                                                      at the 70 mile coastal yardsale last year.

The tablecloth and napkins are by
Tommy Hilfiger.

The scene out the window was much more
peaceful yesterday then today as we had
big waves with whitecaps.

                                                            Well, I hope you enjoyed my tea that
                                                             never was!
                                                             Hopefully, we have better luck getting
                                                              together next week but we  really did need
                                                              the rain here as it was a very dry summer.

                                                               Back home in the garden we had a very heavy frost
                                                              a couple of nights ago so the season will soon be
                                                              coming to an end.

                                                                                     Thank you for visiting!


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Touch of Blue

Hello everyone,

Although summer has slipped into autumn
we are still enjoying some time at our little
cottage .

Laundry day at .the cottage

It's hammock time. I bought this hammock
at the seventy mile yardsale last Saturday
along with a few other treasures.....always
a fun day for me!

We are still picking away at making the cottage
our own little escape.
This is the bunkie that our grandchildren love
and have claimed as their own.
I painted the door and  new shutters
Aspiring Blue by Behr paint.
We have been shingling the bunkie
and added the window on the back
and changed the window on the side.
The window on the back is an old
french door  going sideways.
I planted a couple of clematis and
a climbing hydranges to grow up
the trellis.

We had a heavy frost last night so our
cottage days will soon be coming to a
close for this season. However, I do
have friends coming for tea tomorrow
and we still have  a few little projects
to finish here and I still have a few more
garden tours back home with visitors
from Japan before the garden season
comes to a close and it will be time
to clean up the garden before the cold
sets in.

Thank you for visiting!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Peaceful Sunday

  Hello everyone,

We are enjoying a beautiful September
here on the Island although we could
definitely use some rain.
It  has been awhile since I posted
once again but  we have been
taking advantage of  all these
sunny days  and enjoying the
great outdoors.

I took the shot above on a day trip
down east in June.
I love all the little fishing harbours
around the Island.

There have been lots of picnic days
this summer.

                                                         Wishing you a peaceful Sunday!

                                                    My thoughts and prayers are with
                                                    all those in the south effected by
                                                    Florance and those in the path of
                                                    Typhoon Mangkhut as well.

                                                      Thank you to all of you who still
                                                       take the time to visit  me in spite
                                                        of my laziness here!

                                                                       Take care,