Monday, December 3, 2018

Christmas Library Tea

                                                                               Hello everyone,

                                                          It was a beautiful sunny day here today
                                                          with a warmer temperature so I was
                                                          able to plant the last of my tulip bulbs
                                                          in the garden. I was happy to get them in
                                                          as we had such wintry weather I thought
                                                          I might have missed my window of
                                                          opportunity! I also,filled a few planters
                                                          with greenery and rosehips while enjoying
                                                          the sunshine.
                                                                After, it was tea time in the library with
                                                           the sun streaming in..

                                                                      A Christmasy tea.....I am enjoying
                                                                      Holiday Chai tea lately by Stash.
                                                                      I bought mine at the Bulk Barn.

I am continuing to slowly
decorate our home and
enjoying the process plus
the cosy look with all the
lights etc.

                                                        I hope you had some time to
                                                                   relax with a good cup of tea
                                                                          Thanks for visiting and
                                                                    thank you to all who left nice
                                                                    comments on previous posts.



  1. What a lovely setting for tea! Your Christmas decorations are beautiful. I finished decorating the inside of the house. We'll work on the outside lights and decor this weekend. Enjoy the first week of December!

  2. Love, love, your cozy home, and the beautiful photos. You are truly an artist.

  3. Hi, Carolyn!
    Love it! Glad you got your tulip bulbs planted. Mine are still in the box! Lol We had a short snowstorm yesterday morn & then 6 degrees last night! I should have planted them in the darkness!
    I used a vacay day yesterday to finish up a few bits of decor. We are in for significant snow by week's end, so I hope to get some pics before then. Love me lots of plaid at Christmastime!
    Hope you have a great week! HUGS
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  4. BTW, I agree with Betty!
    You are a true artist!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. Beautiful! Though for some reason in my mind's eye, I keep seeing an overstuffed, cream-duck slipcovered armchair where that wingchair is. :-) It's probably because I'd like to curl up there with a stack of vintage children's Christmas books and a bottomless cup of tea. :-)


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
