Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Rustic Winter Tea

   Happy December weekend!

           I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
          I am happy to turn the calendar page to
                December as I love the Christmas season!

                I have been doing more Christmas touches
                 in and around our home as the weather was
                  decent for doing a bit outdoors today.....sure
   glad the strong winds have left us.

Any way, I thought it was a good
day for a little rustic wintry tea.
I enjoy pops of red at this time
of the year so I brought out my
old enamelware tea pot and a
couple of enamelware mugs
but if you prefer you may use
my Christmas teacup. 

A slice of mince meat pie will
be a nice treat.

Well I hope you enjoy the
rest of your weekend and
thank you for stopping by.



  1. May you have a delightful DECEMBER!!!
    Always a treat to stop by your lovely blog,

  2. Cozy & inviting...That pie looks familiar, Carolyn! LOL
    Wishing you a blessed, peaceful & relaxing Sunday,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  3. Very feative and pretty! I always enjoy my visits here, even though I seldom comment. You create a beautiful, comforting experience.

  4. That pie is a work of art! Lovely photos and red plaid!

  5. I always enjoy my short visits here. Your Photos are always soooo beautiful. I don't want to visit you, I want to stay forever! Sorry for my bad english, but I learned it a long time ago and most of it is forgotten. Wish you a wonderful Sunday and a good new week. Greetings from Brigitte, Germany.

  6. So lovely! I love to add red at this time of year, too. Please tell me the name of the pattern on your Christmas teacup. It's beautiful!


  7. Everything looks lovely and inviting. The view out the window looks like a Winter wonderland and that yummy pie too !

  8. A Wonderful Christmas Time. Best wishes. Tina

  9. Love December as well. What a perfect winter tea!!

  10. Hi Connie,
    The teacup is just a made in china cup that says ' holiday joy' on the bottom.
    Thanks for you visit!

  11. So pretty! I was reading in Kendra Tierney's The Catholic All Year Compendium (117 pages on Advent and Christmas!) about how she doesn't have one or two large decorating days, but decorates slowly throughout all of Advent, preparing for Christmas and Christmastide. I love how little pops of red and white and sparkles start gradually showing up here and there in early December. Lovely plaid touches, so cheerful. Thank you for inviting us to tea. :-) It has been lovely.

  12. This blog is amazing. Everything is wonderful. I love such climate, this kind of decoration. Send you my greetings.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
