Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dutch Blues

                Hello everyone,

                   We had a bit of a storm overnight last
                              night but not serious enough to cancel work
                           for most people ...... I was kind of looking
                             forward to a cozy storm day but lots of time
                left yet!

                       It was 3 years ago on Monday since my
                     Dutch mama passed away so I thinking
                      of her as I took out her teapot above and
                          remembered all the cups of tea we enjoyed
            together over the years .

When I spotted this mug with
a Dutch scene on it I
snatched it up.

     These cross stitch samplers
    where also a thrift find that
remind me of my Mom.

I have a cupboard of blue & white
china that had several Dutch pieces
in it.

             I miss those sweet tea times but
                             I am thankful for all the good memories I
                     have of  time well spent with my mom
                  over a good cup of tea.

                               Thanks for visiting,



  1. Beautiful blue and white dishes. Yes, I miss my mom too. She passed in November 2012. I think of her every day. My mom's parents were born in England, and my mother was both in America in 1921. I have lovely memories of my mother and my grandmother drinking tea. Thank you for posting your memories.

  2. A beautiful and sweet Tribute to your Mom...Love the gorgeous blue and white dishes.Love the pretty cross stitch too.Thanks for sharing your darling memories...Hugs!

  3. Such sweet memories of your mother! We went to the Netherlands last summer and I just had to have some Delft!

  4. I am so grateful for the gift of my 95 year old mom. To the children she is Oma....and to me a continued inspiration. We knit together each Monday evening....and have shared many cups of tea. Your post touched my heart and I want to thank you.

  5. Lovely memories of your mom..... I love the Dutch themes and blues.... my ancestry is part Dutch on my mothers' side of the family. She was an "afternoon tea" person and I too have many many memories of visiting my mom for an afternoon tea and some of her homemade goodies, whether cookies or scones or gingerbread, etc. It was, of course, always served in one of her pretty teacups, of which I still have many.. and they are on display too.. this last move I made I brought them all out of the box they had been stored in for years. She has been gone now for 17 years which is so hard to believe. Seems like just yesterday we were enjoying our tea together... Marilyn

  6. What a lovely post! I am caring for my elderly Mom and she enjoys her tea every morning. I'm sure it will be so bittersweet when she is no longer with me to enjoy a cup of tea. Thanks for sharing!

  7. What sweet memories. I love to stumble on to objects my momma and I shared. I like to believe it's her way of letting me know she is with me in spirit. A heavenly hugs from our moms.

  8. Has it been three years already? It doesn't seem possible. What wonderful, sweet memories you have to cherish!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
