Sunday, July 30, 2017

Aqua Coastal Tablescape

   Hello everyone,

       I hope your summer is going well.
             As for me, I am enjoying some relaxing
summer days .

     My granddaughter Jessica and
       I thought it would be fun to have
an afternoon tea by the sea.
We used an aqua theme as we both
love aqua.

                                                                          A new enamelware teapot.

A cute aqua lantern and some starfish
added some charm to our table.

                                                             In the evening a cruise ship went by
                                                             and some fluffy clouds rolled in but
                                                             alas no rain. We are having a much drier
                                                             July than usual.
   So, I apologize for now posting
more often this summer but
        a little relaxation is a good thing! 

Thank you for visiting!



  1. Coming to your blog is like a little trip to bliss!

    That last photo is begging to be a book cover. :)

  2. What a beautiful setting! The pictures almost don't look real...they look like a painting. :) Thank you so much for sharing them with us. I love viewing your pictures. Have a great day!


  3. Relaxation is lovey. I enjoy your blog very much. Have a fabulous week.

  4. What a very pretty table! I love aqua too. It goes very well with the perfect backdrop - the sea! Relax all you want! It's Summer! :) Kit

  5. Your pictures are stunning as always! Love the color and how precious to have tea with your granddaughter!!

  6. Lovely Carolyn and how nice to have such a lovely helper! Enjoy your summer...a bit too warm here this week for me...good thing we live at the coast as well!

  7. It goes very well with the perfect backdrop - the sea! Relax all you want! It's Summer! :) Kit



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
