Monday, July 3, 2017

A Peek at our Garden

                                                                             Hello everyone,

                                                               Summer has arrived and the garden
                                                               is bursting with new blooms everyday.
These shots were taken last week and
the scene has already changed.

The lilacs were beautiful last week
but only the Japanese Ivory Silk
is yet to bloom here.

                                                                   The six hills giant nepeta was
                                                                   just starting here but now is
                                                                   in full bloom along with the roses.
                                                                            The lupins were beautiful
                                                                            this year.
                                                                               Our Allee Garden.

                                                                             Love my peonies!

                                                            Well, that was just a quick peek at the garden
                                                                       there is lots more to see so if you are in the
                                                                      Warren Grove  area you are
                                                                       welcome to visit the garden  Tuesday July 4th
                                                                       between 6 and 8 p.m.  Looks like a sunny day for it
                                                                       but in case of rain just grab your umbrella and come
                                                                                                Enjoy your day!



  1. Like a storybook English garden...and you are not even in England!

  2. Everything at your place is beyond beautiful! And your gardens are no exception.

  3. I would love to visit your fabulous garden,but is impossible...But I am really very happy for this virtual tour!Your flowers are stunning,always make me smile!Have a lovely week!

  4. What lovely, flower-filled scenes you have shown us -- thanks so much for sharing your gardens with those of us who cannot visit them in person! Best, -Beth

  5. What beauty in your garden. I love the blue ladder too. Oh some of my favorites to swoon over, lilacs and peonies.

  6. Heaven on earth, my friend! Wish I could be there for the garden tour.
    Hope you & Andrew & family enjoyed a lovely Canada Day weekend by the ocean.
    Wishing you a beautiful day on the island!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  7. Only caught the last few minutes of your garden tour and loved the feeling of being surrounded by your wonderful creativity between structures and nature!! Such lovely combinations! Thank you for sharing Carolyn!!!

  8. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you so much....I am happy you enjoyed the tour.

    Thanks everyone for your nice comments!



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
