Monday, June 26, 2017

Romantic Rose Garden

   Hello everyone,

I love when the roses burst into bloom
in the little enclosed garden at the south
end of The Gardener's Cottage.
So now is the best time for this little
garden. The roses are mostly Therese Bugnet
which is a good hardy roses for our climate.

                                                                      This is shot through the screen from
                                                                        inside The Gardener's Cottage.
                                                                           This garden angel was a gift
                                                                           from my children a few years ago.
Would you like a cup of tea surrounded
by the beauty and fragrance of roses?

                                                                    A bouquet of roses in
                                                                    the Gardener's Cottage.

                                                                     Looking in through the screen
                                                                     of the Gardener's Cottage.

                                              This morning I was taking some pics
                                                         in our Allee Garden which is pretty
                                                         now with the later lilacs etc. blooming
                                                         and the fragrance is incredible!

                                                               Just a reminder .....we are having an Open Garden
                                                         on July 4th between 6 and 8 p.m in case you would
                                                        like to visit our garden. It will look completely different
                                                        by then!

                                                                              Thanks for stopping by today!




  1. I love that rose and have admired it before but I have never seen it in our area so I am assuming that it won't do well in our area of N FL, we are having our awful heat, humidity and lots of rain. Your post today is stunning and I can smell the roses. That little spot looks heavenly.

    Carolyn/ N FL

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  5. Oh my god
    This is absolutely stunning beautiful. Who wouldn't love to sit there and drink a cup of tea. I would love to.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures

    I wish you a lovely day
    Hugs lo e

  6. Such wonderful roses!Love your angel too!Best wishes...Maristella.

  7. I love the Therese Bugnet rose! I grew it in western South Dakota, and it did OK. I planted it in my garden in the Missouri Ozarks, and it is taller than I am, only 3 years later. Even the horrible Japanese beetle invasion last summer didn't do any lasting harm.

  8. Good morning,

    Love looking at your garden scapes and daydreaming about tea in your garden. At first glance I thought the rose was a camellia! I have a question about your roses, do you trim them? I noticed they are very tall. I've always been told to trim mine and they are short. Would love to have tall roses spilling over, such a beautiful sight!

    Have a glorious day!


  9. Gosh I would love to visit your beautiful garden but alas I live on the other side of the world! I am so thankful for your photos of it :-)

  10. Hi Lisa,
    I didn`t prune those roses this year as I like the sense of enclosure there but they are getting unruly and so I will prune them back after this first flush of blooms`
    Thank you for your nice comment.

  11. Just so lovely! I love the color of rose you are featuring. What a thrill it would be to stroll through your beautiful garden!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous!!! What a beautiful area to spend time in! :)

  13. Your roses are gorgeous, Carolyn. My bushes are splendid right now as well and I would love to set up a tea table out there. But it won't be this summer unfortunately. I love the scent from them. I imagine your garden is simply scrumptious these days. Happy Canada Day weekend!


  14. I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos. What a joy and blessing to have such lovely gardens. I imagine the fragrance is heavenly. Thanks for the tour.

  15. Love your romantic rosegarden!
    Best regards, Ida


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
