Monday, June 26, 2017

Romantic Rose Garden

   Hello everyone,

I love when the roses burst into bloom
in the little enclosed garden at the south
end of The Gardener's Cottage.
So now is the best time for this little
garden. The roses are mostly Therese Bugnet
which is a good hardy roses for our climate.

                                                                      This is shot through the screen from
                                                                        inside The Gardener's Cottage.
                                                                           This garden angel was a gift
                                                                           from my children a few years ago.
Would you like a cup of tea surrounded
by the beauty and fragrance of roses?

                                                                    A bouquet of roses in
                                                                    the Gardener's Cottage.

                                                                     Looking in through the screen
                                                                     of the Gardener's Cottage.

                                              This morning I was taking some pics
                                                         in our Allee Garden which is pretty
                                                         now with the later lilacs etc. blooming
                                                         and the fragrance is incredible!

                                                               Just a reminder .....we are having an Open Garden
                                                         on July 4th between 6 and 8 p.m in case you would
                                                        like to visit our garden. It will look completely different
                                                        by then!

                                                                              Thanks for stopping by today!



Saturday, June 24, 2017

A Summer Tea

       Hello everyone,

With the beautiful weather we are
having I am enjoying being out in
the garden as much as I can.
However, I did take time out
to enjoy some fresh biscuits
with rhubarb jam today.

                                                                           I have had these Florence  dishes
                                                                           for several years now and use them
                                                                           quite often.This is another set by
                                                                           Skye McGhie
    I lucked in to several of these
       cups and saucers at a thrift store.

                                                                       A bouquet of peonies and
                                                                       roses from our garden.
                                                                       Ah! peonies and roses.....
                                                                       two of my favorite flowers.

We have rhubarb in our garden
so I always make some  rhubarb
jam with it for our biscuits.
Perfect with a cup of tea!

       I took lots of photos in the garden today
 to capture the beauty for those long
winter months. 

         In a few days I will have hundreds of peony
   blossoms to enjoy in the garden or pick
   for bouquets. I better not go far without
my camera!

Thank you for popping in for
a summer tea!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

First Summer Garden Tour

                                                                         Welcome Summer!

                                              Summer has arrived and the garden is bursting into bloom!

                                                                        I took a few quick shots last
                                                                        evening of some highlights.

                                                                          The lupins are amazing this year.

                                                             This morning I grabbed my camera
                                                             and took a few more shots. The Korean
                                                             lilacs are in full bloom and smell heavenly.

                                                                        Martha's Garden

I am going out with my daughter for a
little time out before school is out for the 
summer but I hope to see you soon as there
is so much more to show you!

Enjoy your day!


Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Garden Tour

Happy weekend!

      I hope you are enjoying a beautiful

            I just came in from working in the garden
                   and even though it is lightly raining, I enjoyed
                   doing all the little chores that need to be done.
                    It is somehow very satisfying to me as I know
                 the tying up clematis, pruning and weeding
                will make a big difference to the beauty of
     the garden.

                                                            Above, you can see my earliest peonies from
                                                            my Dad's garden are in bloom now along with
                                                            the lupins. Lupins grow wild here on Prince
                                                             Edward Island and our ditches are full of them
                                                             but I still love to have some in the garden

They are very showy!

Alliums are blooming all around the 
garden as well as they self seed. I love
that they bloom in that little lull between
the spring bulbs and the early summer
perennials .

Our weeping flowering crab is past now
but last week it was beautiful.

The French Lilacs are still blooming
but some are already getting past.
Our Canadian Preston Lilacs are
getting ready to put on their show
    though along with the Korean Lilacs.

Love the Sensation Lilac.

We have lots of hostas spread around
the garden and they are looking lush
and full.

I love watching the birds going to and fro feeding
their young......this one has her nest in the yew tree
just outside our kitchen window so I can
watch them grow from the window.

We have about 140 peonies  spread out
around our garden in all the different
beds and most of them will be in full
bloom in a couple of weeks.

The tree peony is blooming now. I love
it's big papery blooms.

This was taken a week ago so you can see the
layout of the south beds. The Yellow Bird Magnolia
is blooming on the right at the back.

If it wasn't for the rain I would be out there
taking more photos as the garden has changed a lot
since these were taken.
There is some hot humid sunny weather coming
tomorrow so that will make the garden jump ahead
I have some early roses popping out now as well.

We decided to have a Open Garden on July 4th in 
the evening between 6 and 8 p.m. so if you
live close and would like to visit come along
and bring a friend!
I will mention it again as a reminder
though and the tour goes rain or shine.

We have already had hundreds of Japanese
visitors this spring ~ they come through
Prince Edward tours by bus. It is my
little business that supports my garden
   addiction and I enjoy their

Thank you for visiting,


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Lilacs , Transferware & Teapots

                                                                                Hello everyone,

                                                                    On this beautiful day I went out to
                                                                    the garden early to pick some
                                                                    lilacs for a beautiful bouquet or
The lilacs made me think of
this delicate serving dish so
I paired them up for a little
photo shoot for you along
with some of  my transferware.

The sunroom is one of my
favorite places.

        What could be better than toile,transferware and lilacs?

                                                                          Sensation Lilac is one of
                                                                          my favorite
                                                                          the white edges with  the purple.
Another favorite Sadler teapot and
delicate Baverian teacup.

Well, I have lots to do so I better
    get out and enjoy time in our garden

Thank you for visiting me!