Thursday, April 30, 2015

In an English Country Garden

         Hi everyone,

                Today, I thought I would share a few photos of
           our garden from previous years as I am still
                   rather impatiently waiting for it to return this year
               after the worst winter we have had in years ~ we
                   officially broke our record for the most snow...ever!

                                 So I was asked to answer a few garden questions
               by a fellow gardener a few days ago.
                       Our garden is about 25 years old and did all
                           the gardening ourselves until a couple of years
                           ago when one of our sons started to help as we
         got busier with tours from Japan.

              We own 10 acres and garden on about 3 acres.
                  On the rest of our property there is a woods with
          a brook running through it and a large pond.

                  In the spring it is a full time job getting it 
       cleaned up and ready for the season.
                By June, we are probably down to
            few hours a day and slightly less for the
               rest of the summer. You really have to love
              gardening to maintain a garden of this size!

                                                   As you might have noticed I love an abundance
                                                   of plants all jammed in together for our romantic
                                                   English Country Garden.

           Here on Prince Edward Island we are in zone 5b and there are
        no deer so that is not a problem in the garden....thankfully.
      Some snowy winters voles are a problem chewing on trees,
                shrubs etc. so we put guards on or paint them with scoot and hope
for the best.
                    We grow organically and usually don't have a lot of bugs to deal 
         with so I ignore some holes in leaves etc.  We do have a lot
                 of birds in the garden to eat those bugs. Sadly, there were no bats
                        last year as they were wiped out here by a virus~ miss having them
busy at night eating mosquitoes..             

                                                    The soil is is pretty rich on it's own but we have
                                                    mixed mushroom compost into the beds when we
                                                    made them. This year my husband promises to get
                                                    me a load of farmyard manure.....who would have
                                                    thought you could be happy about that!
                                                      I have been asked in the past where we got all our
                                                     plants and the answer is yardsales,local garden centers,
                                                     seedlings I started,family & friends and some I sent
                                                     away for.
                                                        This year I would like to add more azealeas and rhodo's.
                                                     I would love to add some naturalized plants around our pond,
                                                     but sometimes time gets away from me and it is busy enough
                                                     with what we have and it just possible that I have slowed down
                                                     a little in the past 25 years!

                                            We do have some lupins growing on one side and 
                                                since they grow wild here they should spread nicely.

                                                                We love having arbors and fences in the garden
                                                                and fortunately my husband can build them.

                    I love having the beds packed full so there
is no room for weeds.

                                                            Our garden is about 97% perennials. I
                                                            do like to use some annuals in new beds to
                                                            fill in faster the first year or two. One of
                                                            my favorite annuals for the garden is cosmos.

                                                         I always plant lots of new bulbs in the garden
                                                         to have early season color. I love how daffodils multiply
                                                         each year. Soon, I will dig up some big clumps and
                                                         plant them in urns etc. to bring cheer to the doorstep etc.
                                                         Tulips don't seem to last as good from year to year so I
                                                         always plant some new ones.
                                                         The foliage of the perennials soon cover the foliage of
                                                         the daffodils and tulips when they are past.

                                         I love small enclosed nooks in the garden.
                                        This one is enclosed mainly by roses and
                                   a beautybush. It is at the south of our
          Gardener's Cottage.

                                                      I think the last question was how do I keep
                                                               bugs off the outdoor furniture. Sometimes
                                                               earwigs might be a problem but I just swish
                                                               them off before I sit down and relax.

                                                               Thanks,Andrea for your questions  and I hope
                                                               that this has been helpful to some degree to you and
                                                               other gardeners that were curious as well.
                                                               If you would like more info you can check out
                                                               The Making of our Garden from an old post.

                                                                               Happy gardening!




Monday, April 27, 2015

Just Peachy

                                                                  It is still on the cool side here so it
                                                                  will be awhile before we will be
                                                                  having tea on the balcony with
                                                                  green grass and flowers but I found
                                                                  these photos in my file from last
                                                                  year and I didn't get around to sharing
                                                                           An April Cornell tablecloth set
                                                                           the stage for this afternoon tea.
                                                                             A pretty bouquet with peach
                                                                            Peachy teacups and an old transferware
                                                                I know I am cheating a little to share
                                                                           these summery tea photos when we
                                                                           still have some old snow and some
                                                                           mud but I am sure you don't want to
                                                                           see that!

                                                                           I am joining Bernideen's Tea Time Blog
                                                                           and Rose Chintz Cottage for their tea parties

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Indoor Blooms

               Hi everyone,

                  We are having April showers here for a
            couple of days which hopefully will
bring May flowers.
                                                            In the meantime I am enjoying the beautiful
                                                           bouquet of tulips brought by a kind friend.

                                                                        In the sunroom I am enjoying
                                                                        my hydrangeas and geraniums.


                                                                          Pretty bouquets of tulips bring so
                                                                          much pleasure while I wait for our garden
                                                                          to bloom again.
                                                                          Sunny yellow.


                                          We still have snow here so it will be awhile
                                                     before we have blooms, but each day we are
                                                    getting closer!

                                                              Enjoy the rest of your week,


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens


                                                When we went to Charleston a few weeks ago we went
                                                      to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens a couple of times. It is  
                                       a beautiful place to visit and we thoroughly enjoyed
                                  walking the trails bordered by camellias,azaleas,
                                    magnolias,redbuds rhodos etc . We enjoyed all the
               different birds and wildlife as well. 

                                 This was also the site of the wedding that I shared

                                                    We went early in the morning the
                                                    second time we were there and the
                                                    weather was lovely for taking pics.
                                                       Love the different bridges that are reflected
                                                       in the water.
                                                            There are also lots of beautiful statues.
                                                    The azaleas were blooming but not
                                                    quite at their peak yet.

                                                           Love the trees dripping with moss.

                                                                  The prayer garden
                                                            The camellias were still in bloom.

                                                                  So beautiful!

                                                                       These beautiful peacocks wandered
                                                                       freely around the gardens.

                                                          Azalea lined pathways

                                  If you are in the Charleston area I highly
                                            recommend a visit to this beautiful
                                            plantation especially in spring time.

                                           I hope you enjoyed my little tour around
                                           Magnolia Plantation and Gardens.

                                                 Have a wonderful day!


Saturday, April 18, 2015


        Happy Weekend!

            I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
          We are still working on losing our here,
           but slowly it is going and it is nice to see
            a few daffodils poking up in the few places
that the snow has melted.
    Above is a shot of our bedroom.

                    I found these two dreamy lace dresses at
                    the thrift store this weekend and as luck 
      would have it, they both fit me.
                     I think I should have a  creamy lace garden
       tea party this summer!


      This baby christening gown is more
      then 100 years old.

                                                Hoping your weekend is the stuff dreams
                                                         are made of!
