Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Spring Changes in our Library

                                                                         Hello everyone,

                                                          Since we were housebound yesterday, I
                                                         decided to do some spring cleaning. It
                                                         was bright and sunny in our library so it
                                                         seemed like a good place to start.
                                                     I removed my Friendly Village china from
                                                     this cabinet and put in my collection of
                                                     Crown Ducal ~ Florentine and some other
                                                     coordinating pieces. It gives a more spring/
                                                     summer look.

                                                         This is Country Rose by Skie Mc Ghie.

                                                              Then, I gave the books and magazines
                                                               a dusting and straitening up.It took a
                                                               little discipline on my part not to sit
                                                               down a few of them!

                                                        If, I was super ambitious I would have
                                                        made some neutral book covers for the
                                                        books but that will never happen.
                                                      An afternoon tea break was my reward.

                                      I am enjoying some touches of spring indoors in
                                                 spite of huge banks of snow outside.


                           Not my photo but it was taken on a road not
                            far from us. We have not had banks of snow
like this in years!

                                                            So, what about you are you doing spring
                                                           cleaning yet?

                                                                    Thank you for visiting!



  1. I am dying to know the pattern name of the apricot rose dishes! Please share! Thanks, Cheryl in Arkansas

  2. Hi Cheryl,
    The apricot rose dishes are Country Rose by Skye McGhie.
    Thanks for your visit.

  3. Everything looks so pretty, Carolyn. I love your pretty dishes too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. So beautiful!!!And tulips are my favourite flowers!!!Lovely!

  5. So beautifoul, exellence! I love your home! Greeting from Poland and come to my blog please:)

  6. I absolutely love every square foot of your home Carolyn. What warm and beauty this room has. You have such a wonderful eye for beauty.
    Those are some huge banks. It reminds me of the banks we used to have every winter here in the 70s and 80s. We haven't had snow like that in about 15 years here. We did have some minus 20 degrees F for about a week here this winter with no snow cover and I am really nervous about some of the roses.
    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  7. I guess we may as well start our spring decorating inside to help us through these snowy days. Oh my. I can't believe the snow you got on PEI! The photos I'm seeing on Facebook are incredible. I like your pops of spring colour in the plants as well as your pretty china. Pam

  8. Love
    Love those red tulips!

    That snow is UNREAL.

  9. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that snow picture, Carolyn! That is just crazy. I can't even imagine that being dug out and stacked that way.

    Your library looks gorgeous. What a warm and quiet room it looks like to enjoy a good book or magazine. I have not started any Spring cleaning, but I should start a list of what and where to start.

  10. No - for sure I have never seen snow like that! And I can't even imagine it melting too. Your library and shelves with dishes turned out lovely!

  11. I haven`t ever seen so much snow. Even I live in Finland. Thank you for sharing these pictures.
    You have made lovely spring inside, anyway.
    Beautiful spring days to you!

  12. Carolyn!!! You're optimistic, I'll give ya that!!! Lol That's ALOT of snow, girl.
    Heather has considerable winter inspiration for her art, that's for sure.
    Love your spring touches.
    Stay warm. Enjoy your day,
    Lindat at Beautiful Ideas

  13. Lovely, lovely, lovely! Each picture was wonderful. It's on my list to come to Prince Edward Island to visit someday. You had me in a lull of spring until that SNOW picture. What a surprise! You really have gotten it! Wow! Thanks for that little retreat.

  14. Good morning Carolyn....Spring is not too far away now..however; with all that'll be snowbound a long time...Having trouble with your won't open

  15. I could spend many happy hours in this library! What a gorgeous room.

    I love the china and tea things as well.


  16. Happy Spring!
    Already cold in Belgium...
    Best regards...

  17. I could just sit in there all day and read away. Sigh. You have such a lovely library.

    Keep thinking Spring thoughts!
    **love your bright tulips

  18. The flowers are such a nice spring touch. Thank you for that link in one of your previous posts to Youtube's 'Rosemary and Thyme'. I've been enjoying it, the beautiful gardens and lovely homes make for a great escape from cold weather and winter. The two ladies are a delight!

  19. Hallo, gerade brachten sie Bilder im TV über den Blizzard von Nordamerika. Wahnsinn, was da alles an Schnee runterkam! Bleibt gesund und danke für die schicken Bilder!
    Alles Liebe aus Germany von Susan

  20. I'm on the west coast, thinking of you and my fellow Canadians in the Maritimes, wishing you well. How brilliant you are to "Spring clean" the sunny library! It truly is lovely, Thanks. Linda

  21. Carolyn: RIGHT NOW I am going to pick up my phone and take a picture of the one bunch [potted] of TULIPS that are drooping. lol at me!

  22. Your pop of colour from the tulips is lovely, Carolyn, and the cabinet looks nice with the floral china on the shelves. When I look around at all the snow we have, one wonders if it will ever go. We just got back from driving in the city and some of the roads are still pretty narrow. It's not safe for anyone to be walking along North River Rd or any of the side streets. I know the letter carriers cannot deliver mail in certain areas because there is no room for them to walk. But in two months time, this will all be gone, hopefully! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  23. Your home looks so beautiful, Carolyn. It really makes me want to get up and start moving things around.

    I can not believe you have all that snow! Amazing....



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
