Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Afternoon Tea and a Blizzard

                                                                       Hello everyone,

                                                      I hope you had a lovely long weekend.
                                                      We are just barely getting dug out from
                                                      a good old fashioned blizzard that shut the
                                                      Island down for three days and we are just
                                                     barely plowed out now.We had 80 cm. of
                                                     snow with winds of aprox 100 km per hr.
                                                                   It wasn't all bad as I had loads of
                                                                  time to sip hot tea and eat my Valentine

                                                                    Every Valentine's Day I use this
                                                                    teapot and heart plate ~ both gifts
                                                                    from my husband.

                                                                  Just playing with my camera.

                                                                  Just so you will know what 80 cm.
                                                                  of snow on top of what we already
                                                                  had looks like!
                                                               Making a path to our car which was
                                                              pretty much buried.

                                                          Andrew had the path shoveled to
                                                          the car a full day before the road was
                                                          plowed and our driveway blown out.
                                                          Even last winter we didn't have this much snow.
                                                                           Our porch.
                                               Oh well!.....it is pretty isn't it??????

                                                         It must be time for another cup of tea!

                                                        I entertained myself nicely on the day of
                                                        the blizzard by watching a bunch of charming
                                                        shows set in beautiful villages in England full
                                                        of gardens and charming cottages called
                                                        Rosemary and Thyme on youtube......check it
                                                       out ~ bet you can't stop at just one show!
                                                         What about you did you have a storm day too ?

                                                        I am joining Bernideen's Tea Time Blog for Tea
                                                        with Friends and Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time
                                                                               Thank you for visiting,



  1. Yes for sure - I will watch those videos. We just finished Season 2 of Mr. Selfridge. I have to say - never in my life have I seen that much snow. That is amazing but also must contribute to your lovely garden somehow. Tell your hubby to watch the back! There is a line in one of the Hallmark's where the lady says "be careful - one slip and we're toast!"

  2. Hi Carolyn,
    I love your pink rosed teapot, plate and heart shaped dish. It looks stunning with the pale pink rose. Such a gorgeous shade! It is perfect for Valentine's Day and isn't your hubby a keeper to find such beautiful china? We have had a mild winter here on the West Coast but your snow certainly does look pretty, and cold! Happy Tea Day! It is always such a pleasure to visit your blogspot! Karen

  3. I really like that show as well! The lead characters are great and the gardens beautiful. We have ice ice ice here in the central US. My husband has been home with me and our daughter the past two days due to his office being closed because of the weather so that has been a nice treat. I have never seen as much snow as you have. I wouldn't know what to do! I'm glad you have some special treats to enjoy while stuck inside. We made a red velvet rose bundt cake today! :) Stay warm!!

  4. Hi Carolyn: I can't even imagine that much snow. Los Angeles dwellers would think it is the end of the world. Love your tea pot and tea cup a perfect gift from hubby! Blessings, Martha

  5. It was quite the blizzard we had for sure! Hubby had to jump off the back deck into a snow bank to get out of the house. We couldn't use either door. I thought the snow was going to reach the overhang on the front of our house but then the wind changed and blew some of it away in another direction. We have enough snow now to do us the rest of the winter!
    I love your pretty teapot and heart plate. Very sweet gifts from your hubby. I have a heart plate but I seem to have misplaced it. Just like a Christmas teapot I can't find. I wonder if I have too many dishes?? Thank you for joining me for tea today and stay cozy.


  6. Oh my goodness, Carolyn, it looks like you were buried. I don't even know how you would start shoveling yourself out (which end do you start at?). It looks like you had some sun though, which always seems to help, a little bit. : )

  7. Wow, I heard PEI got a lot of snow but that is incredible. I've seen a lot of pictures on Facebook from southeastern NB and PEI. We only got about 20 cm. here and 33 in Fredericton but the wind was unreal. Lots of drifting and blowing snow. Your teapot and plate are so pretty. I enjoyed your 'garden' photos. ;) Take care. Pam

  8. Goodness but you've had an extreme amount of snow this winter. I read that the bridge was closed for 2 days so that in itself says a lot.
    Glad you could stay warm, sip tea and watch Rosemary and Thyme. I have seen the show in the past but can't remember where.

  9. Oh my! Thank you for sharing your post-blizzard photos. The matching teapot and heart-shaped plate are gorgeous!

  10. You guys have been hammered with snow-storms this winter. I don't think we have ever had that much snow and yet this year we've had our fill. I bet you are so anxious for Spring. Your post is so pretty as usual. Love the tea-pot and plate. I've watched Rosemary and Thyme and enjoyed it so much. Thanks for the reminder to watch it again. Deb

  11. WOW now that is a LOT of snow! Whew!

    Well, you did the best thing. Sipped and viewed and enjoyed the pretty views.

    Your pics are awesome, I LOVE that china.

  12. Oh Carolyn, we've had a huge amount of snow, too. But I think your Island has us topped. Oh my gosh.

    Where is spring? Is it coming? Do I hear the utterly faint chirping of a bird or is it my imagination? Yearning? Hope?

    Love your photos. So charming. Susan p.s. Will check out the gardens on UTube. THANKS.

  13. Hallo Carolyn,

    thanke you for the famous Pictures!

    so what hutliebhaberin.blogspot.com

  14. Oh my gosh, that is a lot of snow!!! I agree though, it is beautiful to look at:) Another show you may want to check out is Midsomer Murders, it's excellent. I watch it on Netflix and some of the little English cottages will make you drool!!!

  15. Whoa! That's a heap o' snow, Carolyn! It reminds me of our own island last winter. This year, we have been so fortunate with only one major snowstorm of the season and it was last Thursday. We had a snow day! But we are continually looking over our shoulders here wondering what's in store. Lol My goodness, at this rate, it'll be late spring before the tulips can raise their tender heads in your garden. Glad to know you are cozy and warm. Fingers crossed for much warmer days ahead to melt all that snow - gradually. Take care.
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  16. Oh, poor Andrew! I'll bet he was exhausted after all that shoveling. ALMOST make me feel guilty. We have and such lovely spring like weather here, while everyone else is getting blasted with snow. I will just count my blessings and pray that you are all safe and sound. Great choice to watch Rosemary and Thyme, one of my all time favorite programs on PBS. I love your teapot and heart shaped dish, perfect for Valentine's day. Enjoy your tea and thanks for sharing.

  17. Oh, nein! Jetzt noch so viel Schnee! Bleibt daheim und macht es Euch gemütlich! Wir in Deutschland warten auf den nahenden Frühling! Herzliche Grüße nach Kanada von Susan

  18. Que c'est beau, merci. Votre maison et belle
    doux week end

  19. That's a bunch of snow! We're expecting snow tonight ... one whole inch! I have the Rosemary & Thyme dvds and really enjoy that series. It's hard to believe that Pam Ferris played both that role and the one in Matilda! Be careful in your winter wonderland. Blessings, Bess

  20. Love your plate and tea pot! I showed my 8 and 5 year old sons your snow pictures, and they were so envious! We live in North Carolina where an inch or two of snow is something to get excited about. ha And my boys LOVE playing in the snow. My 8 year old said "Ok, time to pack our bags and head for Prince Edward Island". haha


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
