Thursday, February 5, 2015

In Loving Memory

                                                 I want to say thank you to all who have
                                                 left kind and caring notes on my blog or
                                                 by email these last couple of weeks.My
                                                 sweet Mama passed away peacefully last
                                                 Thursday at the age of 92 after a long
                                                 struggle with Alzheimer's ~ although I
                                                 will miss her I am happy that her
                                                 struggles are over and she has now passed
                                                 through the gates of Heaven.
                                                   Mom was born in the Netherlands and came
                                                to Canada as a war bride.It was quite an adjustment
                                                as life in the city of Groningen was very different
                                                from a farm in a very small community on Prince
                                                Edward Island. Mom always said that people here were
                                                very good to her teaching her how to bake bread,quilt etc.
                                                   As,time went by Mom grew to love our little Island
                                                 and way of life,raised four children ,became a grandmother
                                                 and a great grandmother ,a friend and good neighbor to many.

                                                    I am happy that both my Mom and Dad were able to
                                                    enjoy trips to the Netherlands and many other places
                                                    after we had grown and before my Dad passed away
                                                    twenty years ago.

                                                    Mom made friends wherever she went and I saw her
                                                 tenderness come through many times even in her later
                                                 years as she reached out a hand to help newcomers to
                                                 the home where she spent her last years.My best memories
                                                 of this time are the many cups of tea we shared together,
                                                 watching her enjoy music  her kindness to others and her sweet
                                                    Although,as many of you know it is painful to watch
                                                  a loved one go through the slow but steady decline of
                                                  Alzheimer's, I am thankful for all the times I did get to
                                                  spend her and for the good memories of my sweet Mama.
                                                     I am happy that when we meet again it will be in a
                                                   much better place.

                                                   Now, if you still have your Mama ..... please go and
                                                   enjoy a good cup of tea and a visit with her!
                                                  Even though it is definitely winter outdoors
                                                  we are enjoying some spring blooms inside.

                                     Thank you again for all your prayers and kind
                                      was a comfort to know that you
                                               were thinking and praying for us.

                                               My sister has been staying with us for the past week
                                               but is due to fly back to Vancouver tonight if weather
                                               permits as another storm is forecast before we haven't
                                               quite finished digging out from the last one ~ winter
                                               has arrived with a vengeance.




  1. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry for your loss. After loosing Mr. P in the same manner along with cancer almost a year ago the pain is still so fresh. Like you I'm glad He went through the gates of Heaven to be whole, happy and healthy again. May your memories bring you happiness. fondly ~lynne~

  2. Carolyn:
    I am so glad your Mother passed from this life into Heaven and is no longer suffering. I prayed for you both and hope the peace that passes all understanding is upon you.

  3. Oh, dear Carolyn, I'm so sorry to hear about your little mother but I do agree with you - her struggles are over and she's with Jesus. I so understand the heartbreak as my little mother passed October, 2013. I miss her every day but I know where she is and I'll join her one day. Prayers to you and your family.

  4. Hello Dear Carolyn...

    With all my heart, I send you my deepest sympathies.

    Life is never again the same once we lose our Mothers. However, she left quite a legacy----YOU!

    She will be with you in your smiles and in your tears; on the sunny days and on the dark days of life; and in every gorgeous flower you set your eyes on.

    Yes, you will, indeed one day hold her in your arms again. Until that time, know that thoughts and prayers are with you and with all your family. Hugs. Susan

  5. God bless your heart Carolyn. I am so sorry for your loss.

  6. My condolences, Carolyn. This is a lovely tribute. It's nice to know a little about her. She does look like a kind and sweet woman.

  7. So sorry for your loss. What a nice tribute to your mother.

  8. Carolyn please know I am thinking about you & your family as you share your memories of your sweet Mom.
    Take comfort in knowing she is still with you...

  9. My condolences, Carolyn.
    Hugs ... Dorothea

  10. Prayers and blessings to you and your family sweet Carolyn. Your Mom sounds like an amazing Lady!

    I'm dealing with the same disease with my mom-in-law, whom I'm very close to also. It's so awful seeing little pieces of her leave every day. It truly is the long slow good-bye.

    Thanks for sharing a little of your Mom with us. And I couldn't agree more - that when you meet again it will be in such a joyous place!! Amen & God bless. xoxo

  11. Dearest Carolyn, Oh I am so sorry - I have been MIA and didn't even realize you were going through all of this pain.

    Your mother was a beautiful woman, I see where you get your beauty!

    May the love of friends and family, and the strength of your faith, and fond memories and time ease your grief.

    I am saying a prayer for you and your family. And sending you an extra strong hug. ♥

  12. Bless you and your family in your loss. So glad you are focusing on the good times and the jewel that your mom was. :)

  13. Sorry for your loss. Heaven has gained a beautiful person.

  14. Hello Carolyn,
    thank God, that you have had your mom for so long time.
    My mother died at the age of 50, when I was 16 years old. That was very hard.
    I send you my wishes.

    Hugs Olga

  15. My condolences to you and your family...

  16. God bless you and your family !
    my condolences


  17. There is great joy in knowing that your precious mother is safely home. Her story is so interesting...a war bride...just seems so romantic.

    My mother has gone to Heaven, too. I still miss her terribly, yet could never wish her back to this world.

    Your spring blooms are so pretty. I know what you mean about having storm upon storm without having a chance to clean up from the last one. That is exactly our story.

  18. What a sweet tribute to your mom, Carolyn. I'm so glad you have all those precious memories.
    I remember her well working about the kitchen and stove whenever I visited you as a little girl.
    It is a comfort to know that someday you will be reunited with your loved ones. I have been praying for you and your family. Take care, my friend.


  19. Ahh, Carolyn bless you~
    My Mother died [suddenly] way back in 1972 and still as I go back in time remembering her I sometimes whisper and call her "Mama" would love this, you wouldn't believe this, I wish you could share this..."
    Your beautiful winter blooms are calling to me..[I don't have any just now] and saying: "Go to town and pick up some instant beauty and inspiration in pots and make something beautiful!"

  20. I'm sorry you have lost your Momma. What a beautiful woman and a beautiful name.

    I'm glad you've had your sister with you during this time.

    The flowers are lovely.


  21. God bless you and all your loved ones darling Carolyn. My condolences. Silvia

  22. So sorry Carolyn. I know you are glad she is in a better place but you miss her and you will miss going over for those cups of tea. My mom is gone two years this week and she also died at 92.

  23. Sorry to hear you and your Mother had to face that terrible disease of Alzheimer's before she died.
    You will face her again in a more beautiful place.
    I am very familiar with alzheimer's besides my husband having it I have witnessed a few more friends with this disease.

    Your Mother's picture is so pretty, sounds like she had a wonderful life.
    I know you will miss her

  24. Carolyn this is a beautiful tribute to your dear mother. I didn't know she had Alzheimer's disease but know what you have been going though this past while. May God comfort you in the days ahead. You have some beautiful flowers to bring cheer on these very snowy days. I'm glad we'll have a break from the storms this weekend. Take care. Pam

  25. Carolyn,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. May you find peace and comfort with your precious memories of her.
    Sending you some farmhouse hugs,

  26. So sorry for your loss....owww it is so hard to live without your you warmmm hugssss..! Love Ria...x!

  27. My mother was in a nursing home for quite a few years with Alzheimer's before passing from complications of pneumonia. Our moms are definitely in a better place for you know what a struggle they had as the disease progressed. People used to ask me why bother to visit if she doesn't know you any more, but from experience a person visited and shown interest by the family gets better care. Sad, but true.
    Wishing you fond memories of your mother during happier and healthier times Carolyn.

  28. Carolyn, my sympathy for your loss of your mother. My mother passed 8 years ago on the 31st and I miss her very much, but I love to think of her and my dad (who passed 30 yrs ago), and am always happy when I dream of either of them.

  29. Carolyn
    My most heartfelt sympathy to you on the loss of your dear Mother. What a loving tribute. Lori

  30. I know your heart is broken as the loss of one's mother is very deep. Sending you a hug and my deepest sympathy. Deb

  31. My condolences to you and your family...

  32. Tulips and Tea - a beautiful tribute to your sweet mother, Carolyn. May you find comfort in the memories of the many good times. Thinking of you always, my friend. XO
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  33. I lost my dear Dad the same way , it is said that Alzheimer is a long good bye and the good Lord knows some of us need long good byes. " What a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus and sing and shout the victory" Hugs to you as I know death has such a sting, may you be comforted. Hugs to you and your family.

  34. Carolyn:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. My mother also suffers from Azheimers, and it sure isn't easy. I try to remember the past. God bless you.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  35. I'm so sorry about your mom passing.


  36. My condolences to you and your family..

  37. Dear Carolyn,
    I´m so sorry for your loss.
    My thouhts are with you and your family.

    Hugs, Helena

  38. I've noticed your absence on the web during the last days, but sometimes life is very busy, i didn't even thouught you were living such a sad moment like only the lost of a mother can be.
    Please accept my affectionate hug in the hope that your life, little by little, will come back serene ... you're surrounded by a lovely family which I'm sure will certainly help you.
    Sending much love, my dearest Carolyne

  39. dear caroline all is beatifull !!! and you wee are so beautfull to y am french chere caroline votre blog me ravit quel gout j'adore big bisous christine de paris !!!

  40. I'm so sorry to hear about your little mother. My thouhts are with you and your family.

  41. What a lovely story of a life well lived. My thoughts are with you, Carolyn.

  42. My condolences, Carolyn. This is a wonderful tribute to your mother, so beautifully written, with such love and appreciation.

  43. One never gets over the loss of their parents, or anyone they love. A friend of mine lost her sister today. So sorry for you, take heart in your faith and all your 'sisters' your beautiful posts have helped and are thinking of you x

  44. Carolyn, I just joined your site and I absolutely LOVE it!! I have been pinning so many of the pictures you post I just love each and everyone of them!! I also just learned of your mothers passing and I'm so very sorry. I look at the picture of your momma and I can see besides being a beautiful woman with lovely skin you can tell she was a sweet kind soul you can just see it automatically in some people. I still have my mom but she is aging rapidly and lives across the country from me but I speak to her everyday and spend as much time as I can with her so I can only imagine how you feel, but even though she is not here with you physically she will ALWAYS be in your heart! Be well keep up the awesome creativity, I will continue to enjoy it everyday!!! Denise Watson Wellington Florida

  45. My thoughts are with you. Like you, I am thankful for good memories of my mother before Alzheimer's.

  46. Wyrazy współczucia, Carolyn. Pięknie zapisałaś o mamie.
    Przytulam mocno!!

  47. I have missed some posts and am so sorry for your loss. A mother is most important in our life. This post is a lovely tribute to your mum, nice to read. My mother is 93 and since half a year in an elderly home, and yes I drink lots of tea with her.....
    God bless you.

  48. Carolyn, Prayers abound for you and your family during this sad time.
    God Bless You. Jo

  49. My heart goes out to you in the loss of your mother. I also lost my mother in 2011 after a long, hard journey with Alzheimer's. May the wonderful memories you have of her sustain you throughout this difficult time.

  50. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dear Mother a little over a year ago. Our Mothers are so wonderful and we will miss them always. Take comfort in your wonderful memories and cherish the blessed time that you had together. Love and a pray. Debbie

  51. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom when she was 51 years old. I have missed her every day since then but I know she is still with me. Your Mom will continue to be with you also.

  52. A Lovely tribute you have written for your mom who is beautiful.
    So sorry for your loss and God Bless you and your family.

  53. Oh Carolyn, my heart is with you. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet mother but thank God she is no longer suffering.

  54. So sorry for the loss of your sweet momma. My mother passed away 12 years ago after a long battle with Alzheimers. I too, know that she is in heaven and I look forward to joining her some day. What a lovely reunion it will be!

  55. My dear carolyn

    No matter how long we have them we are never ready to let them go. What a beautiful tribute you wrote. I believe she is smiling down from heaven where there is no more pain And no more tears. Good thoughts and prayers go with you
    with love ann

  56. My condolences dear Carolyn.
    Hugs, Ingrid.

  57. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your mother sounds like she was a very lovely woman. Whenever you think of her, she is with you. You will see her again. Blessings for peace.

  58. My condolences, that was a very wonderful tribute to your Mother, Hugs, Cathy

  59. Mia cara...sei la splendida donna che sei grazie alla tua meravigliosa madre...adesso sta bene..La malattia e' svanita..e sarà seduta in un bellissimo giardino con il tuo papà. ..ti abbraccio forte..
    lisu..del lismary'cottage

  60. A flower for your Mother and a big hug for you.

  61. Carolyn, I send my heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your mother. I do know the pain of letting go, even when they have lived well into their 90s. Take care and give yourself quiet times to reflect. A cup of tea and fresh flowers are good advice.

  62. Dearest Carolyn,
    My Mom went to heaven on January the 27th... After almost 7 years of dialysis it no longer worked for her.
    Always hard for losing our Moms so I send you my sincere condolences.

  63. Carolyn

    After losing my best fried my mother Donna Ward Locklear, I started my blog. I felt like I lost my right hand! I still wake up wanting to call her and tell her about my day but instead I cherish every moment now! No one can imagine your loss and only time pass is your friend. May God be with you and ease your pain for only memories and time will get you thru.

  64. Carolyn, I'm very sorry to hear about your dear mother. I know she was a beautiful person because she raised such a beautiful daughter! I do have my sweet mother. I live with her and am her care giver. This has been a fragile winter for her with a stroke and a terrible fall, but we are hoping for stronger days ahead. Life is sweet, but oh, so short. Love your blog. Such breaths of beauty.

  65. Dearest Carolyn,

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I hope she is in a beautiful place together with your father.

    Although I did not know your mother, she has been on my mind regularly since I started reading your blog. I am glad the magazines I sent her long ago, made her happy.

    Your tribute to her is beautiful Carolyn. Wishing you and your family lots of strength.

    Love, Madelief x

  66. Carolyn dear, you have been in my thoughts so much. I will continue to pray for you during this time.
    Love, Rachel

  67. I''m so sorry to hear your sweet mother passend away. My mom passed away also and I know how you must feel. After 4 years I still miss her very much because we saw each other every day but at the same time I am very gratefull for all those happy memories I have.
    You and your mom had also such a strong bond so I wish you a lot of strength these days.
    It was nice to read she came from the Netherlands btw because I'm from the Netherlands too.
    Huis, Jolanda

  68. May the good Lord bless and comfort you.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
