Monday, February 9, 2015

Garden Dreams

                                                                 Hello everyone,

                                          It is that time of year again when I start dreaming of
                                          the return of our garden and making plans for some
                                          little improvements here and there.
                                            Above,is the arbor that my husband built several
                                         years ago along with the picket fence almost hidden
                                         by the lush growth of perennials. The blue spires are
                                         monkshood (aconitum).

                                       I love to have garden benches placed around the garden to
                                       sit and enjoy the view.

                                                     This is the allee garden in late spring.
                                                            August color in our garden.
                                              We have many varieties of phlox and hydrangeas.
                                                        The view from the balcony in August.
                                                     The small enclosed rose garden at the
                                                      south of the Gardener's Cottage.
                                           Many varieties of daylilies abound in the
                                           Hillside Garden.
                                                 Lots of color in the garden coming up to
                                                 the house and surrounded by the picket fence.
                                                       Love lilac season. The arbor in the background
                                                       was also built by my husband and leads into
                                                       Martha's Garden ~ also enclosed.
                                                         Relaxing in the garden.

                                                      I love the sound of the water fountain and
                                                      the birds enjoy it too.
                                                             Lupins growing around our pond.

                                                            I took this shot early one misty morning a few
                                                            years ago but it is still one of my favorites.
                                                         The border at the road is at it's peak
                                                         in late summer ~ lots of phlox and

                                               Martha's Garden in June.

                                                        I am sure many of you gardeners are
                                                       looking ahead to your gardens return as
                                                       well.However,although it is fun to look
                                                       ahead we still have lots of winter to enjoy
                                                       here first.

                                                       Once again, thank you so much to all of you
                                                       who have sent kind condolences and prayers
                                                       for our family on my mother's passing ~ it is
                                                       really appreciated.

                                                                                Take care,



  1. Thanks for sharing flowers. I needed that. I am looking at seed catalogues, longing for Spring. Your garden is beautiful.

  2. I jump into your photos dear Carolyn and I am transported to peaceful bliss. Feel free to show as many flowers as possible for the next several months to help me get through the rest of Winter! ;)

    Thanks for sharing your beauty...and in all seriousness - you absolutely do help me through winter with your lovely blog.

    God bless xo

  3. You have a very beautiful garden and you take beautiful photos.

  4. A long way off until we see this beauty again, but doesn't it amaze you that our snow covered landscapes can become lush over spring and summer to look like this?
    Pouring rain in Florida today so I enjoyed viewing your gardens.

  5. Your gardens are inspirational!

    Thank you for sharing their beauty!


  6. Carolyn,
    My condolences to you and your family. I have 90 year old parents and know the day is coming. Cherishing everyday. I have followed your blog for sometime and have both your books. Wish I would have known you went we visited PEI 14 years ago. I live on a 5 acre acreage with a pond in a Victorian Farmhouse in Iowa. I love Victorian and need inspiration for our property and home. I would love your advice. Thanks Nancy

  7. Your garden is a magical place, filled with peace, beauty, and inspiration. The arbor that your husband made is gorgeous. And I love the view from the garden to the pond. I jotted down the names of flowers. On this cloudy winter day, your photos have inspired me. I can't wait to dig in the new-old garden.

  8. What a nice diversion from the winter gray outside my window - thank you!

  9. I am dreaming with you Carolyn! Lets hope the gardening season will start soon.

    Madelief x

  10. Your garden is breathtakingly beautiful!
    I am dreaming of spring and summer here in Finland. We have still lot of snow but my head is full of new plans for my garden.
    Thank you for inspiration!

  11. Wundervoll und traumhaft schön! Was soll ich da noch sagen, es ist einfach wie im Himmel! Meine Gratulation! Alles Liebe von Susan

  12. Your garden is a feast for these winter weary eyes, Carolyn. It's so beautiful to see and to remember and dream of what lies under the winter snows. Have a blessed week.

  13. Beautiful! I love the strong color. I send love to you family.

    From Denmark

  14. Lady you always inspire me..In the deep south {Alabama] I begin to dream in LIVING SPRING before February has passed.

    I must confess at this early date I have to be a wee bit sneaky and use photos from seasons past..hardly a bleep of color in my yard as we speak. But we always knows it's just around the corner.

  15. While I'm enjoying the winter, I'm also excited for what the spring will bring. Can't wait to get into the garden and start growing things! Beautiful photos, you have a gorgeous garden, thank you for sharing!

  16. How beautiful! Looking out at the snow, your gardens seem like a fairyland. Simply lovely :)

  17. Oh my dear, your garden is just the way i like mine to be.
    But i stil god a long way.
    I am new on your blog,and i alredy god at lot of ideers.
    Best regards from Linda in Denmark.

  18. This is just what I needed today. Thank you for such beautiful inspiration! Dana (

  19. I never tire of seeing photos of your gorgeous garden! Mine is much smaller, only 1/3 of an acre, but I love it filled to the brim. I too have Monkshood and love it. Longing to get out into that dirt. lol!

  20. Your garden is so beautiful!!!!!!

  21. Your garden is truly magical, Carolyn. I love how the photos whisk me away to a warm sunny day among flowers and lovely scents. Much appreciated on this cold winter's day. Your new header is lovely! Take care.


  22. Relaxing watching your superb garden...thank you!

  23. Oh yes! Looking forward to spring and all the beautiful flowers. Your garden is so very beautiful and it gives me so many wonderful ideas.

  24. Carolyn, your garden is what I think of when I try to envision heaven!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
