Friday, October 31, 2014

Goodbye October

                                                            Another month has slipped by so
                                                            quickly.We had such lovely weather
                                                            here this past month ~ so far we have
                                                           not had a killing frost so the annuals are
                                                           still doing well in windowboxes etc.

                                                             Last evening we went for a drive to enjoy
                                                           the autumn beauty and a sunset over the harbor
                                                           in North Rustico.but before we left home we
                                                          enjoyed the beauty of our own pond in autumn colors.
                                                             I love these calm sunny evenings when
                                                        everything is reflected in the water.

                                                                     Beside the still waters.
                                                          These are a few of my favorite shots from
                                                          past Octobers.

                                                               A cozy autumn tea on the porch.

                                                              Lounging with a book and hot apple cider
                                                             in the autumn sunshine is one of my
                                                             favorite things to do.
                                                                     I love this mailbox near North Rustico
                                                                     ~ a small fishing village.
                                                               Sunset over the harbor in North Rustico.
                                                          So appropriate for a fishing village.

                                         Coming home we saw this pretty autumn display
                                                    all lit up for the season.


                                                          Do you find it hard to say goodbye to the
                                                          beautiful month of October? I confess
                                                         November was never my favorite month but
                                                         I do love the Christmas season so my focus in
                                                         November is getting decorated for Christmas and
                                                         before I know it , Christmas is here!

                                                            I hope all the little ones have a safe and fun
                                                            time tonight.

                                                                               Thank you for visiting,




  1. I find it difficult to say goodbye to October, indeed - it is my favorite month of the year.

    Your pics - past and present are a delight to the eyes, Carolyn.

  2. Lovely images, Carolyn. Love your photos. Susan p.s. I hope the little ones will be safe tonight, too.

  3. Carolyn u ciebie zawsze jest pięknie, czekam na twoje fotografie z wielką radością.

  4. So wie es bei dir aussieht, stelle ich mir das Paradies vor.
    Deine Herbstimpressionen sind wunderschön.
    Gruß, Anette

  5. Really beautiful photos Carolyn! I am sad October is over. It was a beautiful month full of colour. Now we have dull, rain, snow and cold to look forward to. :) I'm glad Christmas is coming though. Enjoy the weekend. Pam

  6. Your pic are beautiful. I love all the colors of October also.

  7. Beautiful Autumn colours. Here in New Zealand we are enjoying the beauty of freshness and colour of spring. I'm so happy, picking roses now and the Lavender is growing and looking wonderful. Visited shops today, they are getting ready for Christmas.Hugs Shirley N.Z.

  8. What glorious Fall colours Carolyn! Thank you for sharing these lovely images.

  9. It is a beautiful time of year. Your early evening drive shows the beauty so well. It looks like perfect weather.

  10. October is a beautiful month and I love your phots Carolyn. It has been wonderful weather to be doing things in the yard. Seems even more precious when the cold weather is around the corner.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. I just ran across your blog and I love it. Even more, I have been exploring tiny cottages and what I see behind your Aiken gardens name is a cottage I have seen in my dreams for years. What is the plan name and who builds it and how man square feet is it? So close. And your pictures are

    Pam in Illinois

  12. Beautiful photos! I guess I've always looked forward to Thanksgiving so I never thought about missing October...have a great weekend!

  13. Wspaniałe zdjęcia i z przyjemnością obejrzałam piękny blog - pozdrawiam serdecznie

  14. I love October, but this year I didn't decorate....but tomorrow the Christmas season is upon our home with your book in hand! Thanks for all your inspiration!

  15. Stunning photographs, Carolyn. I don't mind the passing of October as November brings Thanksgiving, which I love. Here where we live the passing of October means snow on the mountaintops and that brings me joy. Wonderful to look out my window and see those white capped beauties, which is the case as I write this. Happy November ~ Nancy

  16. I like the mix of colors and patterns on that photo with the plaid throw - a touch of Bohemian and it all works!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
