Friday, January 3, 2014

Winter Robins

Hello everyone,

We had a storm day here again with more snow and winds. I am feeling bad for these poor robins
that have been busy going around the garden eating berries and rosehips. We don't normally see them in
the garden until spring unless it is a very mild winter.

                 So there is a pair of them that have been very busy eating the berries outside our
                 kitchen window.

                          I enjoyed watching them come and go and very quietly I took some
                          pictures of them.
                          Any little movement would scare them off at first but they seemed to
                         get used to me after awhile.

                                 It took some patience on my part as they come and go quickly and sometimes
                                 the twigs were in the way or I got a hind end! Maybe,I should stick with photo
                                 graphing my dishes!!!
                                  I made them an orange cup filled with cranberries and raisins to
                                                       see if that would please them but no takers yet.

                I can see why they liked this sheltered little spot with lots of berries and for awhile                                            some heat from the dryer vent.

In the summer we have had robins built their nest on that yew tree right outside
the kitchen window. It was so interesting watching the comings and goings
of raising a little family ~ it does keep them busy for sure.

           Well ,that was my entertainment on this blustery winter afternoon. I hope yours
                        was more productive!

                                                                  Thank you for your visit.


  1. What beautiful photographs! I enjoyed them very much, I can only imagine enjoying the birds in person. today. Thanks for sharing these lovely images.

  2. Your photos of the robins are so lovely, especially the one with the orange treat in the background.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Such gorgeous pictures, how sweet your visitors are as quiet as can be they pay you a visit and grace you with their beauty.


  4. The title of your post threw me for a loop! I'm from a town called Warner Robins and ar a glance that's what I read! Beautiful photos.

  5. Beautiful photos, Carolyn! It is amazing the extreme weather animals seem to withstand. But I still worry about them! You are a gem for feeding them and running the dryer. :O) Blessings to you, Bess

  6. Carolyn the wintry photos are so incredible. I have a [seriously] question for you.
    Is there any chance you might plan a blogger meet up for a A
    'manageable' gathering of ladies to tour your beautiful home and gardens?
    I am in South Alabama-would so love to visit but would need significant advance notice for scheduling-

  7. These photos are so pretty. I would never have thought to hang oranges in the tree. I always put our Christmas tree on the back deck after Christmas and fill it with seeds and apples but I will add oranges this year. Hugs, Deb

  8. Fabulous pictures and I thought you would be getting the eastern snow storm. Stay nice and warm!

  9. So beautiful pics. Thank you for that. I love winter robins and hope every day to see one :-)
    Greetings from Germany, with warm winter weather ... Steffi

  10. Very beautiful photos, Carolyn! So lovely with the snow. I adore our robins and they stay with us all winter. A nest outside the window would be so perfect for photographing and observing. I'll have to encourage them to make one.

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


  11. CAROLINA... que FANTÁSTICAS FOTOS... he disfrutado mucho viéndolas...
    TE FELICITO por ser tan buena persona!!!

  12. Really beautiful photos capturing the moment. I love robins!

  13. Hello Carolyn,
    oh these poor birds in such a stormy winter.
    We havn't any snow yet and here the birds can find more to eat.
    The picture with the little robins is very nice.
    I wish you a happy weekend

  14. Such beauty! Thank you for sharing.


  15. Beautiful photos! The first one is an award-winner!

  16. Your photos of the robin are just gorgeous, Carolyn. The first one would make a sweet card. I too, feel sorry for the birds this winter. And the deer. It's a hard winter for them. I hope this robin survives. It certainly is cold here and the Maritimes have had their share of snow already. Take care.

  17. You got some great shots of them, Carolyn. I think your patience paid off! We have more snow in the forecast tomorrow, so I am heading out today to run around as much as I can before the roads refreeze later.

  18. Oh, Carolyn! That sounds like the perfect thing to do on a winter's afternoon. =) and how absolutely pretty your photos are!!!!! They're so still and peaceful - I can almost hear the falling snow.

    So... coming to visit you was just the sweetly encouraging thing that I needed to do! Thank you! =)


  19. Your photographs are really stunning, thank you for sharing such natural winter beauty Carolyn !!
    Have a lovely weekend

  20. Loved pictures of the winter robins. I'm getting some small birds but wish I'd get some blue jays. They were around till first part of Dec but none since. Everything else loves the feeders!

  21. Beautiful photo's of the robins Carolyn. I hope they will survive the snow and cold!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

  22. Lovely photos. Poor sweet creatures who we all hope survive the elements. Perhaps peanut butter wld help tempt their taste buds : ) Patty/BC

  23. What lovely photos! And as far as not having a productive afternoon? You captured beauty for all of us to enjoy.

  24. They are chubby little fellows so they are getting along ok in the cold.

  25. Love, love, love your photos of the Robins!!! They are lucky to have found you and your garden. They will survive the brutal winter.

  26. Just beautiful photos, Carolyn. Your patience paid off and you got some very nice photos!

  27. I'm not used to seeing robins with a backdrop of snow, but it is a stunning combination, along with the red berries. Happy New Year,Carolyn.


  28. Your robins are so sweet, Carolyn! One little fellow looks so chubby that he resembles the UK robin. I love watching the birds at my feeder outside our front window. I haven't seen any robins this winter but we have all kinds of chickadees, goldfinches, and juncoes at the feeder. They help keep me entertained these cold, snowy days. Hope you're having a nice weekend.


  29. These are really beautiful photos.


  30. Oh I love the Robins, poor little souls, don't you just want to take them in the house. Glad they have the berries and some shelter. You captured them beautifully.

  31. Your photos would make great greeting cards, Carolyn. So beautiful. We never see robins until springtime. It's always such a joy to see them return because it's a sign of spring. :)

    xoxo laurie

  32. Dear Carolyn,
    thank you so much for these great and delightful photos! Robins are very cute and admirable birds!
    I wish you and your familiy a happy, bright und blessed New Year!
    Love greetings, Siret

  33. Absolutely beautiful, Carolyn. I hope you have a blessed week,

  34. Carolyn, Your pictures of the birds in the snow are gorgeous!!!
    Beautifully captured.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
