Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

                                                                 Happy New Year!
                           It is bitterly cold here today with lots of sunshine and clear sparkly snow. It is
                          not the kind of day that you want to linger outdoors. We have been doing our
                          walks indoors on the walking track indoors lately and will hopefully keep it up
                          until it warms up.
                         Last night we hosted a casual potluck dinner at our house for 22.
                                We had lots of good food and chatter around the fireplaces.
                                   Before everyone came I took a few quick shots of the tables.

We enjoyed our time together but today it is time to purge the 
house of all the Christmas decorations for another year.I always
have mixed feelings about it because a lot of it becomes clutter
after a few weeks but I really miss the Christmas lights which seem
so cosy to me......but November will be back soon enough!

         With the trees gone from the big windows I have been enjoying the sun streaming in today.
Now for any of you Islanders that are already
sick of winter ~ I have good news for you
I looked out the window and saw a robin
(a harbinger of spring) in the garden today!
So,spring must be just around the corner!!!
There were two actually but by the time I 
got my camera only one remained..I felt
sorry for them so I shared my peanut 
butter balls with them~ hope they enjoy!
I think they like the winter berries better!

Happy New Year!




  1. Such a beautiful table setting. Lovely pictures. I wish you a happy new year, Carolyn.

    Greetings from Finland,

  2. Oh my to soon to see the Robins back. The Christmas decorations are all gone from my house as well and I enjoy the clean look for the rest of the winter. Once spring arrives I add my bird nest and such. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, stay warm. Jen

  3. Your table setting is beautiful! Poor little Robins! They must have been so cold. So nice of you to share your peanut butter balls!

  4. Your guests must have felt special and welcomed in your lovely home.

    We have put away Christmas, too, and I admit to being a bit sad to see it go.

  5. I wish you happy New Year and many beautiful new plants in your garden :)

  6. Happy New Year to you, dear Carolyn! It's always so beautiful at your house - inside and out!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Dear Carolyn...Imagine that little robin coming in the bitter cold! That was soooo amazing.

    Here in Massachusetts they do not show up until it's almost tulip time.

    Your photos are lovely, as always.

    We are supposed to get lots and lots of snow but today there were just a few flakes. Perhaps tonight.

    I'm happy for the teachers and school children who got an extra day off today (and hopefully tomorrow.)

    Wishing you cherished times in 2014. Susan

  8. The table setting is lovely. Makes my mouth water just imagining what you and your guests are going to share. Happy New Year and hope to see you soon

  9. Your tables look pretty and fresh all in white and the rose bouquets are so sweet. How lovely to see a couple robins in the yard. The poor birds must be so cold right now. I still have our tree up and may take it down tomorrow or Saturday. I'm enjoying the lights still. Happy New Year to you and your family, Carolyn. Blessings, Pamela

  10. Carolyn
    What a beautiful shot of the robin in the snow against the window pane. I long for snow in a warm winter in Georgia.

    The table is so beautifully done. I love the white candles and candelabra. The sprigs of pine among the roses gives a promise of Spring.

    Just love this post!


  11. You live in the most enchanting place. Beautiful house, lush gardens. Casual dinner for that many people? That does not compute for me!

  12. What a beautiful, graceful blog! I so enjoyed my time here. I could sit and look at your lovely pictures all day! God's peace be with you in the New Year!

  13. Oh my . . . every time I visit your blog I'm so delighted by the beauty. I love the rose and pine together, the little napkins, the robin all puffed up to stay warm. I see robins here in Michigan in the middle of winter too, and I'm always so surprised to see them.

  14. Hello dear Carolyn. Your table looks beautiful! You always thrill me with your photos. SO beautiful! It looks lovely at your house anytime of the year, but I think it has a special glow in winter. I too have been putting away the Christmas for another year. Sometimes I'm glad to get it all down and other times I am a little sad, but I always like to have the house back to normal again.
    sending warm hugs your way...


  15. ★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★* ★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★* ★* 。*˛.★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★
    ˛°_██_*.。**./ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Bonne Année * 2014*★ 。*
    ˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π____. -******* ˛* ˛*
    .°( . • . ) ˛° ./• ‘♫ ‘ •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *。
    *(…’•’.. ) * ˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°. |田田 |門|╬╬╬╬………

    edith (iris)

  16. Oh, Carolyn.... I look out the window and see the deep snow and feel the cold pressing in on my walls and think that spring is a long, long, loooooooong ways away! ;) But that's alright. Time to cozy in and for life to slow down but, like you, I have mixed feelings about putting the decorations away (I really should be sweeping up more pine needles!! ;) ) I needed the mess to go away and, yet, now I feel a little bit blue. ;)

    Visiting you is very soothing! =)



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
