Saturday, December 28, 2013

Snowy Days!

The first two photos with the snowflake effect were sent to me from Helene an artist from France ~
Helene choose these two pics from my blog and added the snowflakes and sent them to me....
thank you, Helene!  Now, if you have not visited Helene Flont before I know you will enjoy 
your visit as she has one of the coziest Christmas settings in her last post but also she 
paints beautiful pictures of roses etc. and has an amazing garden besides. To see
her art go to the blog on her sidebar or click here.

                                               The lilacs are covered in snow.
Definitely, lots of snow for Christmas!

                I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. We had a beautiful white one here with the
                          the trees all laden with snow,some gently falling snowflakes and even a little sunshine.
                          However,everyday we seem to get a little more snow and another storm is on
                          the way for Sunday!
                                               Thank you for your visit,


  1. Oh,your magical pictures filled with Christmas spirit makes me jealous....I want snow too.Love the wintertime and How it's pust that magical powder on everything,How the air gets crispy and fresh,How much fun it is for the kids and all that light.Aren't You lucky!!!Wonderful pictures...AS You can see They got my head going and if only Icould wake up tomorrow to something similar to this!!! *dreaming*
    Enjoy the last weekend this year and the last days of Christmas!
    Tovehugs :)

  2. It's all so pretty! The snow makes everything seem so clean and pure. I love your place. I'd live in that little house in a heartbeat!

  3. Carolyn, what beauty!! Happy New Year to you and yours. Karen from acapecodnest

  4. Your friend did a nice job with those top photos--the snow looks quite natural. She added just enough. Thanks for the beautiful photos!

  5. How stunningly beautiful, it is meant to be summer in New Zealand where I live but we are having terrible floods, I would rather have a beautiful covering of snow.

    Your photos are gorgeous, I just got my first DSLR camera and hope to be able to photograph my own little cottage and some lovely New Zealand homes on my blog next year.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  6. Oh it´s lovely with the snow.

    I hope we get some snow here to in Sweden.


  7. Oh it´s lovely with the snow.

    I hope we get some snow here to in Sweden.


  8. Happy Sunday!
    Yes, we have tons and tons and tons, too, and are getting the storm here on Monday! It seems as though it snows every second day, don't know where we will put it all! XO
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  9. Snow looks very pretty but I hate to have to drive in it! The best snow days are on the weekend when I don't have to leave my house. Hope you had a great Christmas and a very happy, healthy 2014 for your and your family.

  10. So much snow has fallen Carolyn. Your house and the garden look beautiful white that white carpet. Happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas!

    Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy and Sparkling New Year!

    Thank you for your blog friendship!

    Madelief x

  11. Lovely photos, there's no snow in Poland. It sad, especially for Christmas Eve

  12. Prego, è sempre un gran piacere passare dal tuo blog, leggere i post ed ammirare incantati le tue foto!!!
    Straordinario 2014

  13. Your pictures are so beautiful. Between you and me, I really wish that we had snow here in Denmark. But my son, who is a landscape gardener, gives me 'the look' if I say it out loud. I totally understand him, cause it means that he will be out of work for the season. So for him, I'm happy with pictures like yours, lol.
    Happy new year, Jannet

  14. Hello Carolyn...Those first two photos with the snowflakes falling were so amazing. Wonder how she did that.

    So glad your holidays were good. All was very blessed here.

    Here's to the new year! Susan

  15. Absolutely beautiful, Carolyn! How nice of Helene to send you those pics! Love them! We had plenty of snow for Christmas too - and a answer to prayer with the power being turned back on after being without it for 3 days after a terrible ice storm.

    I hope that you have a fabulous New Year, my friend! May it be filled with love, light, and joy!

    xoxo laurie


  16. Bonjour from France dear Carolyn,
    I just come back from a few days visiting my family for christmas, and enjoy your beautiful snowy post. Your home are always just perfect to host the christmas time and make us all dream by fantastic photos. You have the great art for composition and the precious gift to know how transmitting through them the sweetness of life.Thank you for that !!!

    I wish you a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful coming Year. ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ Bonne année!!!!!

  17. A Very Happy New Year Carolyn, to you and your beloved and thank for everything you share here ♡

  18. The beauty leaves me speechless, Carolyn. It is like a winter wonderland.

    I hope to be seeing you for Pink Saturdays. I've missed you.♥

  19. Beautiful , Beautiful Pics!!! Thank you so much for sharing... It looks like a winter wonder land!! Especially to someone like me who lives in the Florida !! The "Sunshine State" !! lolol... Happy New Year


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
