Monday, December 9, 2013

Old Quebec at Christmas

Hello everyone,
 Last week we took a mini vacation and went to see Old Quebec  all decked out 
for Christmas. It is a 10 hour drive from our home so I packed lots of snacks and
took along a couple of audio books to help pass the time......not that Andrew isn't
entertaining but 10 hours is a long drive!

We have gone to Quebec City a few times before but always  in the fall.
It is beautiful in the fall to but I always wanted to see it near Christmas
as I knew it was well decorated for the season and has so much charm.
Quebec is one of the oldest cities in North America and has a real
European flair.

As you can see it is very beautiful!

                                          Not sure which one has the warmest fur coat!

Chateau Frontenac in the distance is a well known landmark. We spent a couple of nights there ~ it is
very beautiful and elegant.

                    Love all the pretty rooftops ~ we saw men up shoveling off the snow on some of these!

                                 Love how all the shops were decorated in Old Quebec.
        As beautiful as it was in the daytime it was even more beautiful and romantic in evening light, so if you come back tomorrow I will show you!

Thank you for coming along.



  1. I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Quebec. My brother lived there for a spell and it was a magical time for him - hope to one of these days.

    Your pics of it are absolutely charming, thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful photo tour. I've always wanted to go for Christmas, but alas...haven't. Thanks so much for your lovely photos!

  3. Hi Carolyn,

    As soon as I saw the title of this post, I got excited! I've always wanted to see Old Quebec in the winter so this was quite a treat. Looks like a wonderful getaway! I will definitely be back for tomorrow's photos.



  4. How beautiful, love getting to tag along!

  5. So magical. I have had the pleasure of visiting Old Quebec and it is one of the most beautiful places I have seen in my travels. Thank you for taking us there during Christmas. What a joy to see. I hope you can come to visit me since I am also sharing pictures of my recent trip to Puerto Rico.

    Have a wonderful week.


  6. Oh Caroline, What a beautiful place to vacation. I know your camera has to be loaded with all kinds of wonderful pictures. I would love to know the story behind the man in fur and can't wait to see more!
    I am so happy that the tour is behind me now. It was a lot of hard work so it makes me appreciate what all you must do to prepare for all of the tours that you do. The day of the tour there was a the SEC championship game between Auburn and Missouri playing that day and my hubby turned the tv on in one of the rooms and one man asked to sit down while his wife went on to tour our home as well as all the others. She asked him if he wanted a I wasn't sure if I was suppose to fix him one or not. He then became a fixture in the room. So we learned alot that day for the future. Leave the TV off even if you have it on mute. ha ha.

  7. Thanks for the fantastic tour. I'd love to see the town in person.

  8. Hey, Carolyn!
    I have seen some beautiful snowy pics of Old Quebec City and the lights of the small Christmas trees that line the streets peeping through the fluffy white branches - much pinned on Pinterest! Lol Midge and I have been fortunate to visit there twice, once in summer and once in mid-November but I've never seen it at Christmastime. I think you must be alot like me when you travel...thinking to what a place must look like at this time of year and then returning! Lol Can't wait to see what you show tomorrow!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  9. Bonjour
    hé oui c est merveilleux la ville de Québec les quatre saisons mais a l approche de Noël c est magique . j adore cette villes

    Carole L.
    de Jonquière ,Qc. ;)

  10. SO beautiful! I certainly would feel like I was in Europe! I must go there someday! Thanks so much for sharing so many gorgeous photos!

  11. Gosh Caroline, how wonderful. I usually make it to Quebec in the spring/summer time but would love to visit in the winter. It's like a fairy tale, isn't it? :)

  12. Oh, what a beautiful place to go and a beautiful trip.
    All this houses, so nice decorated.
    Thank you for sharing the pictures.
    Greetings Olga from Germany

  13. Oh, gosh, Carolyn! Old Quebec city has been on my must-visit-one-day list for quite a while now...and now I want to go even more!...a long, LONG way from here in Arkansas but I have always been a firm believer in 'where there's a will there's a way' one of these days I WILL get there! Love all your posts so have such a wonderful eye for beauty...

  14. Hi Carolyn,

    Your beautiful pictures of Quebec bring back many memories of my visits there, walking the streets and window shopping, along it's quaint and charming streets!

    Looking forward to tomorrow's post!


  15. Olá Carolyn, como fico feliz em rever os lindos locais onde estivemos. Comentei com meu marido na época, que o Canadá se deve conhecer nas 4 estações, cada uma com sua beleza. Obrigada por trazer as belezas de seu País.

    Uma boa semana.


  16. Ciao Carolyn, grazie per avermi mostrato le foto di questi luoghi magici ed incantati. Non ho la possibilità di viaggiare e quindi di veder da vicino posti così belli, ma grazie a te ho viaggiato virtualmente.
    Ciao Nadia

  17. Glad I popped over. Beautiful. I immediately thought ' this is more lie England or the Continent' Had not seen photos of a Quebec town before so was amazed how like different European nations it looks. A mixture of French, German, Belgium and more. Thanks for the tour.
    Worth a 10 hour drive I guess.

  18. Thank you so much,Carolyn!
    I'd like to be in this magical place for Christmas time!!!

  19. Jak bajecznie!!! Och, znaleźć się na choć na chwilkę... :) Dziękuję za te zdjęcia, w wolnej chwili zapraszam do siebie:)
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie
    Kasia, Rustykalny dom

  20. Beautiful photographs I love Old Quebec City and Montreal.

    Blessings to you and yours
    and Merry Christmas. I always love to visit your blog

  21. Not only very beautiful...very fairy!

  22. So Pretty! I can definitely see the European feel to it.

  23. It is just gorgeous there, Carolyn! I love how they decorate and have lit trees along the streets. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see the night shots.

  24. I love Quebec, Never been there in the winter, always in the summer and we stayed in the same hotel:) I love your beautiful pictures, the old town looks stunning decorated for Christmas:)

  25. We have been to Quebec City many times but never at Christmas. Thank you for the truly is even more stunning!

  26. Bravo! Великолепно, очень красиво! Спасибо.Russia.

  27. Очень нравится блог. Уже год читаю "письма к читателям", смотрю и любуюсь Вашим садом, цветами.
    Счастья Вам и Вашей семье.

  28. Thank you Carolyn for the wonderful winterland tour of old Quebec. I've been in the other seasons but not during this time of year, it is beautiful. I love how they decorate two trees beside each door. The roof tops don't even seem like they have enough snow to take off. I took a few pictures at night this week, can't wait to see yours.

  29. Wonderful photos, Carolyn. You took me as close as I'll ever get to that beautiful city. Thank you.

  30. So delightful! Love your photos!!

  31. WOW! Who IS the guy with the dogs? He looks as though he's just stepped out of a block-buster romantic novel!

    I did notice the other pictures as well *cough*. It all looks very beautiful - enhanced by the snow. xx

  32. How amazingly beautiful... It must be wonderful to see at any time of the year, but particularly at Christmas. I love your photos... Larry

  33. Hi Carolyn! I just discovered your blog and I'm staying here. Quebec takes me a bit far, but have fascinated me your pictures and the city decorated for Christmas. Kises.

  34. It's breath taking, I would love to visit one day and walk along those beautiful shops and homes ;-)
    Thanks for sharing it was wonderful!


  35. Carolyn, it is beautiful, charming and magical. You must have had the most wonderful time.

    Thank you for visiting day one of my holiday home tour. I hope you will come again for day two and more.

  36. Carolyn, my family and I stayed at the Chateau Frontenac a few years ago during the summer. Also went to the restaurant that you posted, which I believe around 400 years old. I have never been during the winter season so thank you for giving us a Christmas tour of this charming city.

  37. I am commenting here about both posts which are so lovely of Old Quebec. It reminds me a lot of Vail

    Our Old Colorado City used to be an absolute fairyland at Christmas but as the trees got very larger the city won't let us do the white lights anymore.

    I love what you show and am remembering that is where my Mother and Step Father went for their honeymoon 55 years back.

  38. Beautiful, I wish I could visit.Shirley N.Z.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hi,

    It is very beautiful place to visit!

    Honey frm Malaysia.

  41. Thanks for sharing your photos of old Quebec
    Happy Christmas and New Year!
    Britt in Sweden


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
