Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friends for Tea

Hello Everyone,
     One lovely afternoon last week I had a couple of friends come over for afternoon tea.Some of you have already met Sandi as she has a lovely blog Rose Chintz Cottage that many of you visit and a few of you have seen Heather on my blog before as we have been good friends for thirty years now. Heather does not have a blog but I think she should-I love her decorating etc.Sandi and I used to play house together as little girls but then she moved away and we met again in high school and then later through Heather who has been a friend of Sandi's for many years.

Aren't they lovely ladies???
Sandi,Heathet and I all share a love for red and white transferware as well as many other things.
We had a lovely visit and a cup of tea with raspberry coconut coffeecake.

Sandi personally delivered this lovely teacup , spoon and lemon curd to me as I was the lucky winner of Sandi's recent giveaway on her blog where she hosts tea time Tuesday every week for us all. 
She also gave me some special teas to sample and it all came beautifully wrapped.

I also enjoyed these two new books that I found at HomeSense recently.

On a different note- Lucas(our little grandson) has passed the first hurdle for the drug trial but has a couple more to go in a couple of weeks and we would appreciate if you would keep him and his family in prayer. Thank you to all who have already done so since my last post on Lucas a short time ago.
It was a lovely afternoon!

I am joining Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday today. Thank you Sandi for hosting at Rose Chintz Cottage and for the lovely giveaway that I was happy to win!

I hope you have a lovely day!



  1. Your friends are lovely, Carolyn. How nice that you have known Heather for 30 years and are still good friends. I don't have any close friends that I have known for that long. My best friend passed away at age 40, I still miss her. She was the kind to sit and have tea with.
    Hugs, Cindy

  2. I enjoyed seeing the photos of Sandi and Heather. I am a fan of Sandi's lovely blog.
    I have been praying for Lucas and now I can picture his sweet face when I do so.

  3. Dearest Carolyn,

    The very best photo is the one from Lucas! You captured him so well with his freckles and openess. Let's continue to keep this little one in our prayers.
    It is always such a joy for having a tea with dear friends. Glad you got together in such way.
    Love to you,


  4. I'm reading about you on the italian magazine "casa da sogno" ...
    You are special! ^_^

    I will pray for Lucas...


  5. Could he be any cuter w/ his freckles and sweet face?

    Still in my prayers.
    Yes your friends are lovely:)

  6. Hello Carolyn
    I recognized Sandi right away and then recalled Heather from the garden tea party when you both wore hats.
    This was lovely, I felt I was right there in the room with you ladies for tea. Truly a tea with friends.

  7. What a wonderful treat for the three of you. It is so special to get together with old friends.

    Your little Lucas and your family will remain in my prayers.

  8. Good afternoon Carolyn,
    It was indeed, a lovely afternoon tea. Nice to get together again. Your photos turned out well although I am a wee bit camera shy. ;) You my dear, escaped the lens altogether!
    I am keeping sweet little Lucas in my prayers.
    Thank you for sharing today and enjoy your day.

    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Truly a lovely "circle of friends". You are all linking together with the common love of china, afternoon tea and decorating. Doe sit get any better?

  10. Tea time with special friends is the very best! You have tempted me enough, I think I must start collecting Transferware. I have one cup, but know I will be searching for more.

  11. This is so nice that you 3 friends could have tea together. I'm sure it was a delightful time. Thanks for updating us on Lucas's status. I'll keep praying for him and the family. Blessings, Pamela

  12. Carolyn - A lovely afternoon with dear friends sharing tea - are there many greater earthly pleasures than comfort foods and fellowship with kindred spirits.

    So nice to see Sandi - a familiar friend here in Blogworld - and to have such a long shared history - delicious!

    Congrats on your great win of that fluted teacup/saucer - so beautiful. Blessings on your family and little grandson!


  13. Ahhh...I hope that one day I will get to meet in person both Sandi and Heather, and maybe even share a cuppa. Ya just never know...Indeed, two lovely AND VERY TALENTED ladies! I can see why y'all get along so well, Carolyn! LOL Hey, pink transferware, it seems, has the power to unite many, doesn't it?!! Haha

    Wishing you a beautiful evening,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  14. Lovely photos of your tea time with friends.
    I will be praying for your sweet, darling little grandson. Hope everything goes well. He is precious...

  15. Dear Carolyn,
    Pleasant times with friends is such a blessing.
    God bless you and may you have many more times with dear friends.

  16. Hello Carolyn,
    So lucky are you to have won, and have it delivered by Sandi, looking lovely having afternoon tea. Very nice pictures. Friends are a blessing for sure. I notice your Fall decorations, lovely warm home.

  17. Olá! Como é bom desfrutar um belissímo chá da tarde acompanhada das amigas! As suas xícaras de chá são encantadoras. Abrç!

  18. Of course my dear.

    He is always in my mind.


  19. Dear Carolyn,
    What a precious child. All blessings for his speedy recovery. Bless you and his parents too. Touching and lovely portrait. Sweet soul. Hugs, Carol


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
